It turns out that in the land of the free and the home of the brave, you can get arrested *before* you participate in a political protest. I feel safer already!
His bike's worth a look too. He converted it to use spray
paint chalk to make dot-matrix lettering on the pavement.
The bike and the arrest are old news, but the extent to which the gov will go to prevent protesting is a story the media seems ready to start telling, finally. Too bad we can't seem to get a better gov instead, one we don't need to protest against all the time.
Until then, though, it's important to keep legal protests legal no matter where you live, because it's the governments you can't protest against that do the most damage. You'd think a unionized police force would already know that.
Labels: DIY, freespeech, geeks, hardware, nyc, unitedsnakes, videos