Saturday, May 24, 2003

Behavior Mod Center Shut Down ... More to Go

"Dundee Ranch and a similar behavior modification program in Jamaica, Tranquility Bay, are affiliated with a Utah organization, the World Wide Association of Speciality Programs and Schools, known as Wwasps. About 30 children were sent from Costa Rica to Jamaica this week after child welfare officials visited Dundee Ranch on Tuesday and told youths there that they did not have to stay, officials said.

The Costa Rican authorities said punishments at the academy included emotional abuse, isolation and physical restraints.

Mr. Lichfield is a brother of Wwasps's founder, Robert Lichfield. The association operates 11 behavior modification centers that house 2,200 youths, about half of them in Mexico, Costa Rica and Jamaica, and half in the United States. Previous investigations have led to closings of Wwasps-affiliated programs in Mexico and the Czech Republic."

Owner of Private Discipline Academy in Costa Rica Is Arrested NYTimes

Scary. Are some of your friends held prisoner in a camp somewhere? Tell a teacher and show this article.

News you can use, USA

Hiphop Takes Stock in 'Drop the Rock' by Dasun Allah, The Village Voice

Instant-Mix Imperial Democracy at truthout

End of article:
"It would be naïve to imagine that we can directly confront Empire. Our strategy must be to isolate Empire's working parts and disable them one by one. No target is too small. No victory too insignificant. We could reverse the idea of the economic sanctions imposed on poor countries by Empire and its Allies. We could impose a regime of Peoples' Sanctions on every corporate house that has been awarded with a contract in postwar Iraq, just as activists in this country and around the world targeted institutions of apartheid. Each one of them should be named, exposed, and boycotted. Forced out of business. That could be our response to the Shock and Awe campaign. It would be a great beginning.

"Another urgent challenge is to expose the corporate media for the boardroom bulletin that it really is. We need to create a universe of alternative information. We need to support independent media like Democracy Now!, Alternative Radio, and South End Press.

"The battle to reclaim democracy is going to be a difficult one. Our freedoms were not granted to us by any governments. They were wrested from them by us. And once we surrender them, the battle to retrieve them is called a revolution. It is a battle that must range across continents and countries. It must not acknowledge national boundaries but, if it is to succeed, it has to begin here. In America. The only institution more powerful than the U.S. government is American civil society. The rest of us are subjects of slave nations. We are by no means powerless, but you have the power of proximity. You have access to the Imperial Palace and the Emperor's chambers. Empire's conquests are being carried out in your name, and you have the right to refuse. You could refuse to fight. Refuse to move those missiles from the warehouse to the dock. Refuse to wave that flag. Refuse the victory parade.

"You have a rich tradition of resistance. You need only read Howard Zinn's A People's History of the United States to remind yourself of this.

"Hundreds of thousands of you have survived the relentless propaganda you have been subjected to, and are actively fighting your own government. In the ultra-patriotic climate that prevails in the United States, that's as brave as any Iraqi or Afghan or Palestinian fighting for his or her homeland.

"If you join the battle, not in your hundreds of thousands, but in your millions, you will be greeted joyously by the rest of the world. And you will see how beautiful it is to be gentle instead of brutal, safe instead of scared. Befriended instead of isolated. Loved instead of hated.

"I hate to disagree with your president. Yours is by no means a great nation. But you could be a great people.

"History is giving you the chance.

Seize the time."

Kucinich: Resisting Bush's War

Drugwar - not just about drugs

Howard Zinn article and a whole lot more


Operation Enduring Police State

locoempire weird info

Natural Resources Defense Council

GameSpy Arcade Hundreds of Online Multiplayer Games


Tuesday, May 20, 2003

Guerrilla News Network

Sound for sale, every kind sold millions of songs for 99 cents each in just weeks.

Computer news
Too many viruses and security alerts recently to mention them all.
Update your antivirus software (you better get some!) weekly.
Update your windows and explorer monthly.
Seriously consider buying a Macintosh.
Fizzer worm spreading
Worst Microsoft security breach yet - your personal info
Get the latest IE and Outlook Express patches
Wired News: Bogus Alerts Target PayPal Users (I got one of these and it looked like it was really from them. It's an email that asks you to fill out the form with your password and credit card info. Never do that!)

Graffiti news
Leipzig Germany: The first Graffiti Park in the world.
Keep an eye out for Baltimore, a film coming in 2004.
film starring Chris Myers, who plays the writer.

Please elect yourself a new government, USA. If you can vote, do. Get informed now, and register.
Register by mail
Buying of The President - 2004 (money talks)
Bush says one thing, does another (hogwash walks)
Dennis Kucinich 2004 (talks the talk)
Kucinich - Biography
Vote Smart is a great place to look up candidates and their voting records.

Scary Stories
Parents, Shopping for Discipline, Turn to Tough Schools Abroad. Make your mom buy this article before she has you kidnapped and sent to a Mexican bootcamp. Kids are dying. The article is from May 9, so you can probably still get it at your library.

Non Sequitur
David Horsey

Handy, fun, informative sites
Urban Legends (look up those email rumors before you send them on)
Volcano world (Flash games)
Global student science activities (tell your science teacher) (all kinds of great resources for you)
Study in other countries or host an international student
Control your model train with a Palm Pilot