Thursday, April 17, 2003

Sometimes the satire web-zine The Onion is almost too much. The coverage they gave the war was almost too real.

Some headlines include:
Dead Iraqi Would Have Loved Democracy
Vital Info On Iraqi Chemical Weapons Provided By U.S. Company That Made Them
U.S. Continues Proud Tradition Of Diversity On Front Lines

It's a shame when The Onion and The Daily Show provide some of the best commentary and editorial on international politics within US media.

Tuesday, April 15, 2003

Richard Crawford, Rest in Peace
An avid graffiti photographer, Richard Crawford of Corvallis Oregon, passed away
unexpectedly on February 23, 2003. He leaves behind a legacy of photos, a legal wall, and many people who he managed to persuade to give this artform a chance to coexist with society. He will be sorely missed.

Belmont rocked in LA, covered at

Speaking of LA, has a whole new look, new stuff.

Kelzo's up to some new thangs too.

In San Francisco, the cops shot a bunch of protesters and dock workers (!) with "non-lethal" weapons. The military has threatened to shoot to kill any protesters that try to enter Vandenberg Air Force base.

Computer worm pretends to be game
Excellent collection of articles on Znet
Politechbot has interesting stories about all kinds of things you need to know.
We are all political prisoners

Alternative news sources about Iraq
thanks to someone on
Debka (Middle East News) [] []
Agonist []

Weird but interesting: The Hedonistic Imperative

Finally a use for stickers (scroll to the bottom of the page to get in)

Other great war art projects

Art For Peace and The Wartime Project, both collaborations among many artists on the net.
