Wednesday, February 28, 2001

Chuck-D has a soapbox - so should you

His monthly column, Terrordome

More people need to write stuff and express themselves. You don't have to be famous to open your mouth. We have a world to clean up and we better get going. Find something you care about and activate. If you can't do word flow, then get your hands or money into some worthwhile project that can change someone's life. Like Upski makes clear in No More Prisons it's most important to create positive change, to spread tools and resources to people who are making a difference.

Creative Disturbance - Funding for your project?

Check it out

What has no wings, graffiti, and flies?

What's up in Belgium
- by Judge Dredd and Enas FDS crew DLP, 1999

Some interesting links

Slashdot: Your Rights Online (best geeknews on the net) Copy control, spies on you, Napster news ... discussions.

- a program groups can use that automatically posts new cracked passwords. Well, we wouldn't want that, but what if this program could be modified to automatically update Art Crimes graffiti site links.... It would change my life if someone would hack up a variant that would help distribute that load.

Wednesday, February 07, 2001

This one will expire quickly, I bet. But check out the blurb on Reas and a link to his animation on Cartoon Network.