The uproar about ABC Nightlines broadcast last night of Ted Koppel really sums up the status quo of American media reporting of the Iraq war.
Earlier this week I watched a
documentary on the Weather Underground. The Weather Underground were a bunch of white, lefty terrorists that were around during the Vietnam years. The documentary talked about the Time Magazine pictures that depicted the US Army committing atrocities against innocent Vietnamese villages. Many are familiar with the pictures, and they are often credited with swinging public opinion in the direction of the anti-war camp.
There have been some awful pictures that have come back from Iraq, but they are few and far between. Somehow the war machine in the US has co-opted the public airwaves in such a way that we can't even honor our own folks that have lost their lives in fighting, because it is somehow partisan, let alone fairly criticize or critique the Iraq war.
First it was un-patriotic to not support the war, now when someone wants to honor the fallen, that's partisan.
Washington Post article about ABC Nightline
Once again
the Onion wins with this headline:
"Bush To Iraqi Militants: 'Please Stop Bringing It On'"
Labels: war