Saturday, April 04, 2009

MacHeist Bundle - 3 more days only - Mac apps for charity

The MacHeist bundles are always a good deal, but this one is the best ever. Buy hundreds of dollars worth of new, full Tiger and Leopard apps for only $39 (Tiger apps also work on Leopard. If you're running Tiger, download the Leopard apps too for later on.)

No joke. $25 bucks from each sale goes to important humanitarian and conservation charities.

Things you may find interesting in the bundle include:

- iSale for making eBay pages (Tiger)
- Kinemac for making 3D animations (Tiger)
- PhoneView which lets you work with your iPhone or iPod Touch like a hard drive (Tiger)
- Little Snapper (Leopard) and Acorn (Tiger) image editors
- WireTap Studio (Tiger) which can record and convert any audio your Mac plays

There are also some games, a newsreader and other good stuff.

You get 12 applications today for your $39 and 3 more are possible, depending on how many people buy the bundle in the next 3 days. BoinxTV is the next one to be unlocked, a TV studio program that sells for $199 normally. These are full versions too, not demos.

You can download the 12 free and unlocked apps immediately after you pay. Everyone who buys the bundle is entitled to all the apps that unlock during the event, so there's no reason to wait until the end to buy them. Remember to print your receipt with your unlock codes and bookmark the receipt page so you can go back and get any apps that unlock over the next couple of days.

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Saturday, January 17, 2009

How "Rock and Wrap It Up!" helps rock stars feed the hungry in 500 cities worldwide

Volunteers redirect food to where it's needed most, one catered gig or lunchroom at a time. This idea is catching on like wildfire too. Now in 500 cities worldwide.

Rock and Wrap it Up is "an independent anti-poverty think tank based in New York."

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Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Above releases a print for charity

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Friday, October 03, 2008

Dondi prints for sale for charity

Purchase link (see link above for the image of the print)

"Happy Birthday Dad" by Dondi White (published by the Baurmann Gallery/Dondi White Estate)

In honor and commemoration of Dondi White, a special charity silkscreen edition of 129 will be released for $129 + shipping on October 2nd, 2008. Dondi White passed away on October 2nd, 1998. "Gods Love We Deliver" helped him tremendously in the final years.

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Monday, June 09, 2008

Pay Palestinians to spray your message on the Israeli wall

Only 30 euros. You get photos and Palestinian community services organizations get the money.

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Saturday, December 29, 2007

Green jobs for all - Van Jones and

Van Jones explains on video the important relationship between minority kids in places like Oakland and the coming "green-collar" job needs.

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Thursday, December 20, 2007

Banksy back in Israel for Christmas charity auction

"I like the idea vandalism has contributed to the local economy," his message said.

"In Britain they always complain graffiti costs the taxpayer millions of pounds but that's a load of rubbish. Graffiti is free. Its painting things grey again that costs all the money."

Proceeds from the auction will go to "children's charities in the occupied territories."

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Thursday, December 13, 2007

Dondi - Converse

The Michael White x Dondi White 1HUND(RED) Artist collaboration shoe will be available in December 2007 at Bodega, 6 Clearway St. Boston, MA 02115. MSRP $90 with 10% of the net wholesale price of this shoe going to The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (Geneva, Switzerland).

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Monday, November 12, 2007

One Laptop Per Child - give one get one [extended]

For the next 15 days (or until they run out) Until the end of 2007 you can spend $400 and get 2 laptops designed especially for children. One will be sent to a child in a developing country and the other will be sent to you for the child of your choice.

This amazing program allows you to have a $200 charitable contribution while you help 2 kids. Right now only people in the USA and Canada can participate in the give one get one program. See their site for where the donated laptops go. If you work for a big company they might also match your contribution, so ask at work to see if you can double the goodness.

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Sunday, November 11, 2007

Play game to feed the hungry: Free Rice

Here's a game that can improve your vocabulary while feeding hungry people, but it's not just good, it's fun.

Read the article above to find out more or play the game.

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