Saturday, July 31, 2004

10th Anniversary ...

August 2004 marks the end of the first decade of Art Crimes ...
Making it digital since September 4, 1994.

Monday, July 19, 2004

Follow the Leader or Else

Remember the Dixie Chicks getttng kicked off radio stations and having tour dates canceled after they said something in public against Resident B? Well, wild women are at it again: Linda Ronstadt and Whoopi Goldberg were both fired from their latest jobs when they said what they thought about Bush in public. Since when is it not okay for entertainers to have political opinions in America? McCarthyism?". Read it and weep.

It's time we all say what we think about living in a country where we can't say what we think. Register. Vote for a freer tomorrow while we still can. We deserve a government we don't have to talk bad about.

Wednesday, July 07, 2004

Americans, please vote. You can even register online

If you're 18 years old, or will be by November, you're now in charge. That could be really good news for the world, if you would please register and vote.

Saturday, July 03, 2004

WMD contest

Duck challenges you to a weapon design contest.

Friday, July 02, 2004

5 years of Stealth

Australia's best kept hiphop secret, Stealth Magazine, is about to celebrate its 5th year. The best part about this mag is that it comes with a CD of down-home Oz underground hiphop music, but it also has graffiti.

5th Anniversary Issue out soon
(108 pages with spine + 20-track CD)

Stealth Magazine
Sydney NSW 2001

Stencil Revolution