Saturday, June 20, 2009

Invader and WK Interact this summer at Jonathan Levine Gallery, NY

Invader is back in the States, so if you're in NYC, keep looking up.

JLG shows some interesting art ... the upcoming Houser and Dalek shows for example.

Jonathan LeVine Gallery | 529 West 20th Street, 9th Floor | New York, NY 10011 | Open Tuesday through Saturday, 11am to 6pm | 212-243-3822

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Friday, April 24, 2009

Chaka, from graffiti to gallery -

by - Mike Boehm, LA Times

Chaka's current show in LA, what he's been struggling with since his series of high-profile arrests.

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Saturday, February 21, 2009

KAWS, the brand, the history, and his show in LA

An exhibition of KAWS' paintings and sculptures is set to open at Honor Fraser Gallery in Culver City tonight [Feb 21 - Apr 4]. "I Can't Feel My Face," a group show the artist curated, opens at the Royal/T gallery, also in Culver City, on Sunday. Later this year, KAWS' art will be included in a group show called "Plastic Culture" at London's Harris Museum and Art Gallery. And KAWS is scheduled to show new works in a solo show at the Aldrich Museum of Contemporary Art in Connecticut in December 2010.

Congratulations, KAWS!

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Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Zedz (new stuff!)

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Saturday, December 06, 2008


Shoe's new Calligraffiti expo at Rush Hour Records in Amsterdam
The artist known as Shoe, aka Niels Meulman (1967, Amsterdam) is the inventor of Calligraffti - calligraphy and graffiti merged into one art form. Shoe began tagging when he was 13 years old and now he's a locally and internationally renowned artist, designer, art director and owner of Unruly, a brand of designer silk scarves.


[Shoe is one of the most respected style masters in the world. Don't miss this chance to see his work in person!

Speaking of Shoe's silk scarves ... Santa, please.]

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Saturday, November 08, 2008

Rezine69 Light Graf Exhibition

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Thursday, October 30, 2008

A.K.A. Graffiti - Oakland California - August 2008

At FIVEten Studio with Peeta (check out his new canvases) and TDK crew and performers of many kinds.

Photos by Peeta, Kemrexx, and Susan Farrell. Regrettably these are not all the items in the show, but here are some of the more photographable highlights.







Low Rider, parked


Low Rider with Vogue paint, character








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Friday, October 10, 2008

COMET, PJAY, DUSTER, CAP, SEEN - canvases and sketches

For sale online, in France. worldwide delivery.
Font size

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Sunday, September 14, 2008

Toronto gallery show closes after local writers complain

This is the second time I know of that something like this has happened. The most recent other example was the 2007 Tattooed Walls show in NYC, where very similar stuff went on. In that case it cost the photographer his book as well.

In this case, the photographer was selling photos of writers' pieces for an outrageous sum: CAN$2800, but she did not acknowledge that the artists had rights to their work or indeed to any of the money. They were also not properly credited.

Understandably, the writers felt disrespected and ripped off. In fact they were, and further, this sounds like a clear-cut case of copyright violation, particularly if the photography was quite documentary in nature. Idiotically, the photographer took the attitude that she was doing the writers a favor. Just as stupidly, the gallery let this all happen.

What if writers had printed copies of her photos and sold those for thousands of dollars - to do her a favor of course - without bothering to mention her name? Right.

It's unfortunate when graffiti art shows (or books) go down in flames, but in cases like this, it's the only right thing to do. Some photographers assume they can do what they like with graffiti photos because they think the artists can't defend their work or that they are not going to notice. Others arrogantly assume that their photos are legitimate art and the paintings are not. Nothing could be further from the truth. Graffiti writers win copyright cases all the time. They also tend to play nice with non-predatory, respectful photographers and galleries.

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Saturday, July 12, 2008

the restless debt of third world beauty

Faith47 from South Africa

She's in Berlin this August with the show of the same name.

It opens August 8 7pm at ATM gallery

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Carnivalesque Dreams of Os Gemeos

Video interview with the twins at their NYC show going on right now at Deitch Projects
via KR

New York: June 28 - August 9, 2008
Os Gemeos: Too Far Too Close
212 343 7300

Open to the public Tuesday through Saturday from 12PM to 6PM
Deitch Projects - 18 Wooster St, New York NY

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Sunday, May 25, 2008

Hieroglyphic Collages - Steven Travis

May 27 - June 21, 2008

Amos Eno Gallery
530 W 25th St. 6th floor
NY NY 10001
212 226-5342

Steven is not a writer but he works with lettering and calligraphy in interesting ways.

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Thursday, May 08, 2008

Blek le Rat - new book

Blek le Rat - Getting Through the Walls, published by Thames & Hudson.

Blek le Rat is one of the most influential figures in the world of street art, who is said to have inspired Banksy.

Also, photos of his installation from May 7 at The Conran Shop, Fulham Road, London, by Paul Jenkins.

These look to be pasted up stenciled material of some kind.

Thanks to Mark and Amy.

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Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Os Gemeos - pictures from their Madrid show

These photos of the February show in Madrid make it obvious why Os Gemeos are so popular. Their work is just plain fun -- both for them and for the lucky audience.

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Saturday, May 03, 2008

Miss Van

Miss Van has some nice things on show and for sale here.

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London: Ron English billboards

Overnight two RON ENGLISH billboards have appeared in West London.

The exact locations are:

1) the corner of Harrow Road and Hythe Road (next to the Texaco station)

2) outside Willesden tube station.

[please send photos!!]

also, from Elms Lesters Painting room (where they are now showing)

The Adam and Ron show catalogue

Hundreds of fans queued for the catalogue signing, here at the gallery this
morning, with Adam Neate and Ron English.

Unsigned catalogues are still available from the gallery or by post.

Ring the gallery on 00 44 20 7836 6747 to reserve one.

The show continues until Saturday 31st. May.

Opening hours:
Tuesday - Saturday 12 - 6pm
Thursdays 'til 9pm

See the link for upcoming London show info: Delta, WK Interact, Anthony Lister, Jose Parla!

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Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Interview with Vulcan

Vulcan's got a solo show at 111 Minna, San Francisco in April 2008 too.

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Thursday, February 21, 2008

Graffiti at the National Portrait Gallery

Way to go, Con and Arek!

- via Karl and Boingboing

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Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Online art sales - busiest sites

Monthly traffic in the online art market.

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Saturday, January 19, 2008

Alex Grey exhibition in NYC

See psychedelic artwork like no other, until February 8 at the Microcosm.

See more stuff online and in NYC at Cosm

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Sunday, September 02, 2007

Os Gemeos in Milan: Sept 3 - Nov 3

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Shoe interview

Shoe.CIA is a legendary stylemaster from Amsterdam. And he's having a show there this month.

September 13 - 16, 2007
Oosterdokskade 3-5

Press preview opening September 12 10:00-12:00
Opening party September 13 18:00-01:00

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Thursday, July 12, 2007

24-h Galerie

Outdoor aerosol gallery, with construction details, in German. (English version coming soon.)

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Sunday, May 20, 2007

The Destroy Television 10-Day Second Life Avatar Lifelogging Art Show Movie?Thing

"When: Wednesday, May 23rd from 7 PM ET (4 PM PT) through Sunday, June 2nd, 10 PM ET (7 PM PT), with opening and closing events on the 23rd from 7 - 10 PM ET and on the 2nd from 7 - 10 PM ET

"Where: In real life at Fuse Gallery/Lit Lounge, New York City; on the web at (the site will be up and down before the show); and in the virtual world of Second Life, the free-to-use user-created 3D online virtual world (sign-up here), including a virtual exhibition at the GHava{SL} Art Center in Second Life [the opening and closing events will be held in real life at Fuse Gallery and in Second Life at the GHava{SL} Art Center]

"Who: Created by Jerry Paffendorf (SNOOPYbrown Zamboni in SL) and Christian Westbrook (Christian Prior in SL), curated by Annie Ok (Xantherus Halberd in SL), and featuring many people and locations in Second Life, including you if you visit the Destroy Television avatar in Second Life, on the web, or at the gallery

"What: Destroy Television is the name of an avatar in Second Life who streams live video of her life and adventures to, where you see and chat and influence her movement and camera controls in SL from the web. But wait! There?s more! Destroy Television, or DTV for short, records and shares her life through a process called "lifelogging" or "lifecasting" (to define terms, logging is keeping the record and casting is sharing it live -- a popular example of real life lifecasting is the 24/7 mobile camera at For the entire 10 days (240 hours) of the show she will automagically capture photographs of the things she sees and tag them with location names, names of avatars present, chat, and time stamp, at a rate of one tagged picture every five seconds. These many thousands of sequential and searchable pictures will be strung together into a 90-minute time-lapse video, a kind of feature-length machinima film documenting people, places, and activities in Second Life. A smaller set of these pictures will be automagically posted to DTV?s Flickr account."

[Visit the link above to find out why virtual-world events could be interesting and to access live links to the other websites mentioned.]

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Saturday, February 24, 2007

GH opens gallery in Second Life

"you are here"

Opens March 1, 2007

GHava{SL} Center for the Arts is located at
Haenim (11, 114, 550) in Second LIfe

Showing NYC artists Andre Razo, Bryan Collins, Cameron Martin, Cheryl Dunn, David Merten, Erik Foss, Ivory Serra, J Penry, John Minh Nguyen, Kim Bennett, Kimberly Stillman, Martina Hoogland Ivanow, Patrick O'Dell, Peter Rentz, Rostarr, Ryan Coleman, Sadek Bazaraa, and Shelter Serra.


Sunday, October 22, 2006

Gallery owner beaten for showing political art - Russia

According to the Moscow Times (!):

"Ultranationalists donning heavy boots and knit caps stormed one of the city's best known art galleries Saturday, beating owner Marat Gelman and destroying paintings by the Georgian-born artist Alexander Dzhikia.


"On Sunday, Gelman dismissed the suggestion that there might be a tie between Saturday's attack and the Friday detention of the artworks at Sheremetyevo-2 airport heading from his gallery.

Matthew Bown of the Matthew Bown Gallery in London was transporting the 11 pieces of art from the Guelman Gallery for a London show when he was ordered off his plane and questioned by police at the airport, the gallery said in a statement posted on its web site.

Officials confiscated the artwork, telling Bown he had been detained because several of the pieces "contain representations of heads of state," the gallery statement said." [Brown was allowed to leave Russia later, but without the paintings.]

Gelman is up on charges as well, because (from the

"His gallery was visited on Friday by Customs officials, who confiscated caricatures on display of President Putin, President Bush and Osama bin Laden. The works were due to be exhibited in London.

One photo collage showed the three men lying together on a couch wearing only boxer shorts and socks. Mr Guelman said that officials had told him that they were considering a criminal prosecution for insulting the President of Russia."

[Kind of makes your hair stand on end, doesn't it? They are threatening to arrest the gallery owner beause of someone else's dangerous paintings. Paintings were killed by ultranationalists! Wherever ideas are illegal, they become extremely important. Be very happy if your country lets you paint or talk about whatever you want -- it's a right we all have to fight in order to get or to keep. - Susan ]

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