Thursday, February 05, 2009

Alex Pardee on Harley-Davidson

Check out Alex's fabulous characters on gas tank and drawing.

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Friday, January 30, 2009

16th century alphabet drawings

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Saturday, January 17, 2009

Frank Frazetta, Rough Work

Boingboing has some page shots of Frazetta's sketchbook book, which is still availalble in bookstores and quite reasonably priced.

Hardcover: 128 pages
Publisher: Spectrum Fantastic Art; 1st Hardcover Ed edition (September 28, 2007)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1599290138
ISBN-13: 978-1599290133
Product Dimensions: 9.2 x 6.2 x 1 inches

Amazon has it at US$13.57 for example.

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Wednesday, December 24, 2008

More Christmas artwork

by SlacSatu, from Singapore

by Leon Rainbow, from New Jersey USA

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Friday, August 15, 2008

Street Art and Aesthetics: The Renaissance of Cute

Nick Mount has just published a great article in Walrus, a Canadian magazine. It discusses the relationship between fine art, lowbrow, graffiti, street art, merchandise and collectibles, among other things. Nick does a good job explaining what's going on by taking the long view.

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Saturday, July 12, 2008

Carnivalesque Dreams of Os Gemeos

Video interview with the twins at their NYC show going on right now at Deitch Projects
via KR

New York: June 28 - August 9, 2008
Os Gemeos: Too Far Too Close
212 343 7300

Open to the public Tuesday through Saturday from 12PM to 6PM
Deitch Projects - 18 Wooster St, New York NY

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Sunday, May 18, 2008

Blu: Muto - Buenos Aires - graffiti animation

Blu has released parts of this before, but this is a much more involved version than I've seen previously. Mind boggling technique.

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Monday, March 24, 2008

Fun characters in Brazil

I don't know who did these, so if you do, please let me know. I love how they fit into the destroyed buildings.


Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Os Gemeos paintings in Lithuania

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Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Jazi paints Jesse Al Malik promo wall

Jazi is one of the most famous writers from Switzerland and he's got some new stuff here.

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Saturday, November 24, 2007

Slick/Dissizit in Little Tokyo, Los Angeles - time-lapse video

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Sunday, November 18, 2007

Berok - Barcelona, in action

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Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Another good reason to buy condoms ... a new artist series

Ron English, Winston Smith, Robert Williams, SubGenius and more.


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Monday, July 16, 2007

Homer brandishes his donut at The Giant

It's an ad, it's a cartoon, it's disrespectful to pagans, and it smacks of payola. Luckily it's water soluble. Does this mean pagans will declare jihad on Matt Groening? Film at 11.

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Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Barbara Bode Falcon, RIP

Too soon, too soon. Barbara Falcon, who was known universally as "Barbara Bode," has left this life. Barbara was the former wife of the brilliant underground cartoonist Vaughn Bode and the mother of his lizard spawn--the artist Mark Bode.

The passing of this prismatic and charismatic soul is a heavy loss for those who knew her personally and to the graff community.

She was the spark for Vaughn?s "Bode Broads," his unique way of drawing pinup in a recognizable fashion. To Vaughn, Barbara represented the most idealized form of feminine beauty. The vision of Vaughn's Bode Broads is a style that's appealed to the most influential and prolific graff artists of our time. Bode Broads can be seen in graffiti art all over the universe. Barbara?s moon-like face and curvaceous body type launched a thousand walls, worldwide.

"My father did hundreds of characters based on her image and some of them really captured her spirit, she was the original inspiration for all Bode Broads to come and ever since," said Mark.

Barbara's very nature was too complex to sort out, yet paradoxically she was an open book of the most fragile kind. She possessed great physical beauty, razor wit, keen intellect, and immense empathy. Still, one never wanted to cross the Sicilian Queen; she'd cut you off quicker than a piece of salami.

She was born Barbara Hawkins, in Utica New York, in 19xx. At the age of 16, the sultry-eyed teenager began dating a square-looking Vaughn. The couple eventually married against her parents' wishes. The intensity and dysfunction of their 11-year marriage was an event that Barbara tried to process until the end of her life.

The year of Vaughn's untimely death in 1975, she met and married Rick Falcon, the brother of Vaughn's sister-in-law. Rick was always the more normal father and husband that Barbara yearned for after the bizarre and tumultuous period with Vaughn. "After meeting Rick," Mark recalls, "it seemed like Mom and I had landed gently on a peaceful earth after we had just ridden on the tail of a space cowboy comet which was Vaughn's life with us."

Rick was Barbara's ultimate care-giver and loving husband until the end.

Rest in Peace Barbara.
- written by Angela Frucci

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Friday, June 15, 2007

Devious Doze

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