Monday, June 22, 2009

The Free Sound Project

Just make a username and password and you can download any of their free, Creative Commons licensed audio samples. You can also upload yours. A community project that focuses on sounds, not music.

The Freesound Project aims to create a huge collaborative database of audio snippets, samples, recordings, bleeps, ... released under the Creative Commons Sampling Plus License. The Freesound Project provides new and interesting ways of accessing these samples, allowing users to

-browse the sounds in new ways using keywords, a "sounds-like" type of browsing and more
-up and download sounds to and from the database, under the same creative commons license
-interact with fellow sound-artists!

We also aim to create an open database of sounds that can also be used for scientific research. Many audio research institutions have trouble finding correctly licensed audio to test their algorithms. Many have voiced this problem, but so far there hasn't been a solution.

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Saturday, May 02, 2009

Free spray and splatter Photoshop brushes

Digital painting has come a long way, but it can be too perfect. Now you can make more of a mess if you want.


Photoshop and Painter are both used for digital painting, but they are very expensive unless you buy the student versions (campus bookstores usually carry these).

Downloading random copies of Photoshop, etc. can be very dangerous for your computer security because pirated software is a popular vector for computer malware (viruses, trojans, back doors).

Photoshop brushes might work with software you already have.

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Sunday, March 22, 2009

Great free web design tutorials

Teach yourself what you need to know, for free, with these online lessons. They start at the beginning and take you where you want to go.

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Wednesday, February 25, 2009

So you want to be a book author ...

Here's a website with lots of information about how to become an author from someone who's struggled and won. I'd start with the free PDF e-book. Like many successful authors, JA Konrath started out with 500 rejections. Sound familiar? Yep, like the kind of writing we're more familiar with, it's a time and persistence thing. So be not discouraged, be busy.

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Monday, February 02, 2009

Make fonts from your own lettering

Interesting free online tool lets you make fonts from your own hand-drawn alphabets.

Thanks to Nowon for the tip

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Sunday, January 25, 2009

Online Etch-a-Sketch

This is better than the real thing because you can use arrow keys instead of knobs to draw with. No more dropping it on the floor, either.

Best of all, with computer sketching, you can get screenshots to preserve your work. Firefox users, for example, can use an extension called Page Saver for easy screenshots. Unlike most screen capturing software, it can be set to capture the entire page even on very long pages. (Use PNG format for best results.)

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Sunday, October 19, 2008

Adobe Illustrator Tutorials - Smashing Magazine

Another free self-education opportunity for those with the software to play with.

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Wednesday, October 08, 2008

DJ Z Trip - Free music download: The Obama Mix

"DJ Z Trip, recently named in the top five DJs in the United States by DJ Times, has created a free downloadable mix for all to share called "Obama Mix". Perfected over months, the Obama Mix is one masterful 54-minute mp3 track. "

"Presented along with the now iconic Shepard Fairey Obama HOPE print, Z Trip's Obama Mix showcases exactly how Obama is changing the way youth culture views and engages in politics."

"In a note to his fans, Z Trip urges people to get informed and to vote, 'Please share the message. Educate those who may not know what is really going on. There is still time. I encourage you to make it a priority to speak to your friends, family and co-workers. Speak to anyone who will listen. This election is WAY too important for anyone to not get involved. Together we will vote to change our current course and reclaim a leadership of which we can be proud' "

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Saturday, October 04, 2008

US Voter registration is ending in days - are you ready?

Check your deadline to see if your state has closed registration yet for the presidential election. You can register online at the same site and get questions answered in their FAQ.

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Friday, August 22, 2008

30 tutorials that will teach you Photoshop

Plus, they have Illustrator tutorials and soon Fireworks, InDesign, Dreamweaver, After Effects and Flash. And the tutorials are from other sites ... that also have tutorials! Best of all, it's all free and at your own pace. (Actually, the best part is that if you take the time to sharpen your digital design skills, you'll have very well-paid work in your future if you want it.)

Tip: Students and teachers get amazing educational discounts on software.

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Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Diaroogle - Search for bathrooms in New York City

The mobile-ready NYC toilet search engine with the unfortunate name. No really. And you can add your own favorite water closets as you go.

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Friday, August 08, 2008

Sex Education online by Planned Parenthood

Good info by a trustworthy organization. Too bad that so many idiots will try to prevent you from seeing it. Sex education helps tremendously in preventing pregnancy and diseases. Fight for your right and your teen's right to know the truth. Support Planned Parenthood. Science over fear.

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Saturday, July 12, 2008

New Web development course - Free

The best thing about this is that it's put out by Opera so it's committed to the standards. If your site is built on standards, it just works for everyone. It's been a long time since some good courseware appeared, and this is new, so check it out.

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Graffiti Practice Book - Free PDF

Download and print a free coloring book with dumpsters, trucks, and other familiar but boring surfaces to decorate.
- From Fakeproject Corporation.

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Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Games: online, free, and likely even fun - a list

There are tons of free, online games listed, many of which would also be good for kids, even educational. Plenty of shootemups of course and games for improving big-keyboard skills with those digital letters. Strategy, puzzles, old favorites ... I'm not sure about the "strangely compelling cat-tossing game" though. Gotta be something wrong with that.

(Might want to check out the blog there too if you're designing things for a living or running a business. )

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Friday, April 11, 2008

What if one of the world's most famous violinists busked in the subway?

This will come as no surprise to you, but maybe it will be some comfort.
Three days before he appeared at the Metro station, Bell had filled the house at Boston's stately Symphony Hall, where merely pretty good seats went for $100. Two weeks later, at the Music Center at Strathmore, in North Bethesda, he would play to a standing-room-only audience so respectful of his artistry that they stifled their coughs until the silence between movements. But on that Friday in January, Joshua Bell was just another mendicant, competing for the attention of busy people on their way to work.
Once a woman said to me, "This isn't art. Art is what I buy and hang in my living room."


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Friday, February 08, 2008

A message from Bukue

It's a new year, it's time to ride the wave and utilize are insights to stay ahead of the curve of change. For years and years in the music industry the majority of money for artists was based on album sales. All of your promotions and tours were tools to you promote your album in hopes to increase your album sales.

Now, with the internet and the ability to download albums the minute one person gets and uploads it, things are changing. A lot of artists get really upset and scold fans for downloading their music. I feel them on one hand but from an independant artist's standpoint i look at it like: they are still downloading and listening to YOUR music!

They can easily not download, share, listen, support your music... That's the sign of the times. I'm not saying downloading is great and not buying albums is the bomb, i'm just saying, it is what is today. We can utilize it as a tool or fight it till we are left behind. On one hand i think it's great for hip hop! ( yes actually i do!) peep.

Back before hip hop/rap was popular in the mainstream, there wasn't much focus or chance of anyone blowing up off their music.

That's when folks who really made music, made it for the love of the music and culture 1st! Once you found out you could bubble off music, the art got diluded a bit. Cats who didn't really love the art, got involved because it was a legal hustle, then followed the gangsta ( which was cool), but then came the gangsta rap trend. Cats who weren't gangstas, just folks who found out that if you rapped like a gangsta then you could sell records. BOOOOO! So now that it's almost like the early '80s all over again when it comes to artists being able to become filthy rich off of rap/hip hop, a lot of the artists who were in it just for the $$$ will fall out of the game and look for other ways to bubble and not off our art.

Not saying it's impossible to make a good living off of your music or that it's a bad goal, just that it's a little harder than before. It requires waay more hustle and learning how to use our current tools i.e., internet, FREEE DOWNLOADS, etc.

These are all ways of getting your music heard and name out, without it costing you any money! just sweat capital! good ole time and energy! (sorry for the lazy, supa star type rappers.. all real cats report to the trenches!!)

Before you would tour to promote your albums, now its getting to the point where you use your albums as a promotional tool used to promote your tours, merchandise, and all the other skills and talents you possess.

I'm with it. I'm all about the cleansing of the culture by making it harder to make $ off of it. I wouldn't have wished it upon anyone but since it's hear, note the pluses and turn them stones to gold!

So here are my last 3 albums FREEEEEEEE! yes FREEEEE you can just download it, bootleg it, share it. actually I encourage all of those! Here is my paypal if you would like to donate, break bread or contribute. Anything, nothing, all good, just optional.

You can PayPal to No matter if you pay through props, showing up at shows and buying merch, actually paying cash or just bumping it. I am grateful for it all, I know there are millions of other artists you could be listening to :)

Respect and here are the tunes.

Rebirth of the lastarfighta (tracks 17-33)
Bukue aka Mr Generous "Hustlin like raindrops" vol 1

[Try these d/l links at night or check out Bukue on his site and iTunes, because the download links above seem to be timing out at the moment. - Susan]

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Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Painting / Image software for Windows

This looks like it might be worth trying out if you don't have your own copy of Photoshop for Windows.

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Monday, January 21, 2008

Cool Tools

The brilliant Kevin Kelly's Cool Tools site has some great things on it. Recently I saw

Book on HDR photography
Motion Mountain Physics / Art book - free PDF download

He also has some interesting realtek on his Street Use site. Check out the painted trucks from Pakistan.

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Friday, January 18, 2008


Draw on the blank screen. Pretty!

Easy ways to save what's on your screen:

Windows: Hold down Alt and press printscreen. Open a Word or Paint window (or any word processor or image program). Press ctrl-V to paste the picture into the new window. Save!

Mac: Command-shift-3 (captures screen) (or Cmd-shift-4 to marquee your capture area). Picture file appears on your desktop.

More Mac screen capture tips:

Tip: you might have to reload the site after the capture.

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Monday, December 10, 2007

Tool for finding words of a certain length or with letters you like

List all words by word length, browse all words in the list, explore all combinations of letters, find words with all letters different, or with letter pairs and double letters.

Great for Scrabble too, plus built-in dictionary.

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Sunday, November 11, 2007

Google Sketchup (free 3D drawing program) has a get-started book now

New book, some how-to videos online too.

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Sunday, January 07, 2007

Free courses from Berkeley, on podcasts

Education is its own reward.

MIT will make a whole bunch of courses free online later this year as well.

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