Wednesday, October 08, 2008

DJ Z Trip - Free music download: The Obama Mix

"DJ Z Trip, recently named in the top five DJs in the United States by DJ Times, has created a free downloadable mix for all to share called "Obama Mix". Perfected over months, the Obama Mix is one masterful 54-minute mp3 track. "

"Presented along with the now iconic Shepard Fairey Obama HOPE print, Z Trip's Obama Mix showcases exactly how Obama is changing the way youth culture views and engages in politics."

"In a note to his fans, Z Trip urges people to get informed and to vote, 'Please share the message. Educate those who may not know what is really going on. There is still time. I encourage you to make it a priority to speak to your friends, family and co-workers. Speak to anyone who will listen. This election is WAY too important for anyone to not get involved. Together we will vote to change our current course and reclaim a leadership of which we can be proud' "

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