Friday, January 09, 2009

Manifest Hope Art Contest for President Obama's Inauguration


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Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Google offers $10 million for ideas that can change the world

You ever have a great idea and think, dang, I wish I could tell someone who could make that happen? Well, here's your chance.

The link above goes to the Google page for the project.
CNN's article

The plan is to attract good ideas from as many people as possible and to fund the ones they think will do the most good. You don't have to have the expertise to make your idea work, either, and you can submit more than one idea. Some people and ideas will be connected with charitable organizations that can help implement them also.

"People are encouraged to submit their ideas, in any of 25 languages, on through October 20. Entrants must briefly describe their idea and answer six questions, including, "If your idea were to become a reality, who would benefit the most and how?"

"Google employees, with the help of an advisory board, will narrow the submissions to 100 semifinalists by January 27. Between January 27 and February 2, the public will vote online for their favorite ideas. A panel of as-yet-unnamed judges will then review the top 20 ideas and announce up to five winners in mid-February.

"Funding, from a pool of $10 million, will be awarded in May. If the judges decide to reward five winning ideas, each will receive $2 million. If only two ideas are chosen, each will receive $5 million, and so on."

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Saturday, March 15, 2008

Speaking of Obama: The Mac's print

Nicely done, as are all The Mac's pieces. Sadly the limited editions were all gone instantly.

In related news, Move On is having a contest for voter-created Obama video ads.

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Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Molotow TV

From Australia. Currently featuring W4G and Whole Train.

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Monday, October 15, 2007

Blade Runner Art Contest

The PR firm for the movie just contacted me and suggested that you and yours might want to submit some inspired ideas. See the link for details.

"In celebration of the 25th Anniversary of the Blade Runner, we are seeking artists of all mediums (film, photography, painters, designers, writers, etc.) to submit a personal piece that has been inspired by the film."

UPDATE: Logan Hicks says not so fast, read the fine print.

Dang. Another artist-unfriendly rule set.


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Monday, September 03, 2007

TV show in UK - graffiti contest - deadline Sept 6


Here?s your chance to make your mark on the new series of Shameless. We?re asking you to create a design that will end up featured as a piece of graffiti on the set of the Chatsworth Estate.

Entering is easy. All you need to do is follow the steps below.

Step 1: Create a design. This can be a hand drawn sketch or something you?ve on your computer using photoshop, illustrator, etc.  

Step 2: Alternatively you can create a design using any online application. For example

Graffiti Creator -
Grafitti Playdo -

Step 3: Email in JPG of your final design (along with your contact details) to

For more information visit

[Naturally they want the winner to paint the winning piece on the set, so if you're not in England that might be impossible. They don't mention giving credit, payment, or expenses, so be sure to get details in writing. - Susan]


Saturday, June 16, 2007

Ecko sponsors graffiti art contest in Saudi Arabia

Wow, what a surprising development. Not only will one of the most uptight societies in the world have a public graffiti event, but girls will be allowed to participate. Girls are not even allowed to go to school with boys there. Outside the home they must cover themselves completely except for their eyes.

"So far nearly 80 young men and women have registered to compete. 'Most likely we will let girls participate, since half of the applicants are females,' said Kareem Al-Haratani, marketing manager of Ecko brand."

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