2001 Additions
Additions after the new year on a separate page.
December 24, 2001: New mirror in Melbourne, Florida U.S.A.
December 17, 2001: Completely overhauled the "M" section.
November 5, 2001: Added new section for Gerrit Dou.
July 12, 2001: Updated the section for Gustave Courbet.
June 22, 2001: Updated the section for Jean-Baptiste Chardin.
June 12, 2001: New Section for Arthur Hughes.
June 4, 2001: New Section for Frederick Carl Frieseke.
June 1, 2001: New Section for Maurice Prendergast.
May 29, 2001: Updated the section for Hans Holbein the Younger.
May 24, 2001: New Section for Gustave Moreau.
May 23, 2001: New Section for Samuel F. B. Morse.

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