The 22nd International Small Business Congress

Federation of Chambers of Commerce

Israel's Business Organization

Tel-Aviv, Israel - November 12-15, 1995

Minister of Industry & Trade's Word of Welcome

Congress Chairman's Word of Welcome

Honorary Guests:


John F. Bulloch
President, Canadian Federation of Independent Business
Jackson S. Faris
Chairman, National Federation of Independent Business U.S.A.
Romeu Trussardi Filho
President, Association Commercial de Sao Paulo, Brazil
Dan Gillerman
Chairman, Federation of Israeli Chambers of Commerce
Dieter Ibilski
Executive Managing Director, RKW, Germany
Jan Kamminga
President, Royal Dutch Association of small and medium Enterprises
Bruce A. Kirchhoff
Professor, School of Industrial Managment, New Jersey, U.S.A.
Velkko Leivo
Chairman, The Central Association of finish Enterpreneurs, Finland
John K.C. Liu
Chairman, Council for small Business Cooperation, R.O.C.
Stanley A. Mendham
Chief Executive, The Forum of Private Business, United Kingdom
Grant C. Moon
President, Moon Managment Associates, U.S.A.
Akira Nishikiori
Managing Director, National Federation of Small Business Association, Japan
Sang-Kyu Park
President, Korea Federation of Small Business
Hans J. Pleitner
Professor, Swiss Research Institute of Crafts and small Business and Enterpreneurship of the University of St.Galle
Ki Jung Ryu
President, WASME, Korea
Paul Schnitkler
Chairman, International Association of Crafts and Small-Medium Enterprises, Germany
Ardjanggi Sotion
Former Chairman, Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Indonesia
Kikutaro Takizawa
Chairman, Japan International Council for Small Business
Boguslaw Wojcik
President, Small Business Chamber of Warsaw, Poland

Congress Schedule

Call for Abstracts
Registration Fee
Terms of Payment
Travel & Accommodation
Pre Congress Day Tour
Post congress Tours
General Terms


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