Participants can arrange their payments by:

1. Bank Transfer to:
Bank Leumi Le'lsrael
Gan Ha'ir Branch, Tel Aviv
Account Number 816-56974/28 PATAM
Please send a fully completed registration form and enclose a copy of the bank transfer.

2. Visa/Master Card/Diners Club/American Express
Please include: Card number, expiry date and name of cardholder on your registration form. A photocopy
of your credit card should be enclosed with your registration form.
* Personal cheques are not accepted.
* Registration fee excludes bank/credit card charges-
* Please state your name and payment details on your bank transfer slip and send a copy to the

Confirmation and Receipt
Registration will be confirmed upon receipt of registration fee to the 22nd ISBC Secretariat, Once
payment is received an official receipt and LOA will be mailed to you. Please show the receipt or LOA at
the registration desk to obtain the registration kit, containing all congress materials and invitations to

Copyright © 1995 Trade Point Israel E-Mail: tptelisr@netvision.net.il