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We have changed the UNTPDC homepage's look and feel. We have grouped all the services in the above window. This will reduce the size of the homepage. You may click on any of the icons above to link to its respective page. The ETO System and GTPNet icons will bring you to the resources page of each respective service. Please send us your comments on these changes.

Thank you all for your comments! We have made some of the changes that were suggested. These include adding descriptions to images for non-graphical users as well as a page for site navigation, specially aimed for first time visitors. If you are on a slow link please use our text only page. Hope you enjoy the changes...!

"The Trade Point concept can concentrate efforts and resources. It can spearhead the efforts to improve Trade Efficiency. The Trade Points brings together all providers of services required to make a commercial transaction: customs, foreign trade institutes, freight forwarders, transport companies, banks and insurance firms. Each Trade Point coordinates and shares information with all other Trade Points. But the design of each Trade Point is undertaken locally, following UNCTAD guidelines. The staffing and financing are primarily locally. And therefore, each Trade Point takes into account the unique circumstances of its location."

Address by the UN Secretary-General Boutros Boutros-Galhi to United Nations International Symposium on Trade Efficiency (UNISTE).


Trade Point Cordoba, CD Argentina

A new Trade Point will be inaugurated in Argentina, TP Cordoba, on June 6, 1996 at 6:00pm local time.

Trade Point Cordoba
27 de Abril Nro. 424, Piso 6, Of. A
Tel: +(54)51 245232
Fax: +(54)51 244270
Email: tpcba@nt.com.ar

UNTPDC-RMIT Cooperation

The UNCTAD Trade Point Development Centre (UNTPDC)
is now located in Melbourne!

UNCTAD Trade Point Development Centre
c/o Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology / Graduate School of Engineering
GPO Box 2476V
Melbourne Victoria 3001

Tel: (61)3-9660 2681, 9660 1704/5
Fax: (61)3-9639 1105
Email: untpdc@urgento.gse.rmit.edu.au

Access Server Statistics!

The UNTPDC Servers reached 5 million hits in March 1996

UNTPDC Mirror Sites

To further expand the Global Trade Point Network and to satisfy the requirements of developing countries to access the Global Information SuperHighway.

Press Releases

Advance Certificate on Trade Efficiency

The Trade Efficiency Research and Development Lab of the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, RMIT and the United Nations Trade Point Development Centre is offering an Advance Certificate of Trade Efficiency ACTE which includes courses delivered through telecommunications via the WWW through which students remote from the campus earn college credit for enrollment in telecourses.

Tutorial on how Trade Points can connect to the Internet.

New Trade Points on the Internet!

Cairo Trade Point
Yerevan Trade Point
Göteborg Trade Point *
Malta Trade Point *
Santa-Fe Trade Point
Shanghai Trade Point
Ljubljana Trade Point
Cebu Trade Point
Montevideo Trade Point
Bali Trade Point *

* Trade Point pending official accreditation.

South Africa Trade Point Development Centre


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Find out more about UNTPDC at cmoreira@eto.geis.com, or call (61)3-96601704, 96602681.
Copyright © 1995, 1996 UNCTAD Trade Point Development Centre