Navigating the
Trade Point Development Centre

Below is a roadmap to help you explore the UNTPDC web site!

This page has been created in response to the many comments that we received since our last homepage revision. These urged us to take action in describing more thouroughly our services and provide brief explanations of the information laying behind each icon. If you find this page useful please drop us a note and let us know how you feel about it and any further enhacements that you may think of.


About the UNTPDC describes the activities of the UNTPDC, who we are and what we do. It describes the organization and its mandate as well as the concept and underlaying technical structure.

[Geneva Site] [Melbourne Site]

Each icon connects you to the respective server (Geneva/Melbourne) providing you with an alternative connection to the UNTPDC WWW. Currently there are two main servers that hold the UNTPDC web site. You may access either one depending on the region where you are located. Choose the one closest to you for faster transfers. They are both identical and are mirrored daily. If you wish, more information is available about mirroring the UNTPDC site.

[Electronic Trading Opportunities Index]

[Links to UN Organizations]

[Global Trade Point Network Index]
The three above icons link you to the main services provided by the UNTPDC WWW.
The Electronic Trading Opportunities (ETO) System leads you to a wealth of business opportunities as well as technical information on the related standards for the exchange of trading opportunities. You can also learn about participating in the exchange of ETOs, search our databases, post your own business opportunities to the entire network, browse through our HTML index of trade opportunities worldwide, participate in our ETO forums, and much more!

The UNLink directs you to a structured index of all the UN and related bodies offering information on the Internet. This index is currently maintained by the United Nations International Drug Control Programme web site.

The Global Trade Point Network (GTPNet) is your gateway to the many Trade Points Worldwide. More information is available on the Trade Point Programme and other related information. Just follow the link by clicking on the icon!

[Multimedia Training Centre]

[Train For Trade]

[Trade Efficiency Library]
The Interactivve Multimedia Training Centre offers a range of presentations, tutorials and other training materials in an interactive and visual way. You can find out more about connecting to the internet or even view the inside of a Trade Point, for example. Many other training materials inside... so come on in and check it out!... but wait! First make sure you got your inline graphics on and that you have a fairly reasonable internet link; a 28.8k modem should do the trick! ;)

TrainForTrade is a Training Programme on Trade Efficiency. This course is under the responsability of the Special Programme for Trade Efficiency, United Nations Conference on Trade And Development (SPTE/UNCTAD) and is currently under contruction on our web site. You may want to check inside for further information. Some of the links may not yet be available.

The Trade Efficiency library is a virtual library that you can visit to obtain all the respective Trade Efficiency information compiled by the United Nations. Some of the latest recommendations and guidelines on Trade Efficiency can be viewed/downloded from this area. These include Customs, Business Information, Business Practices, Finance and Insurance, Transport, and Telecommunications. This library is still in its infancy and is expected to grow substantially in the following months. Be sure to come and check for new updates regularly.

[ETO Agent]

[Incubator Services]

[Trade Information]
The ETO Intelligent Agent (ETO IAgent) aims at providing you with the right trade information that suits your specific needs. This technology is still under implementation and is expected to improve significantly within the next year. Currently the IAgent allows you to subscribe to the ETO distribution list that circulates many trade opportunities daily. These are gathered and disseminated to the IAgent switch by the Trade Points, Trade Promotion Organizations and other participants. You can also participate and post your own opportunities directly. For that you need to know a bit more about ETO and its EDI EDIFACT compliant message.

The incubator service allows Trade Points without Internet capabilities to locate their databases and services at the UNTPDC "Trade Point Internet Incubator" which offers temporary assistance and support to infant Trade Points. It also makes their databases and multimedia catalogues available at the UNTPDC Servers.

ETO-SITE supports the identification and development of a system of collection, compilation and dissemination of Strategic Information for Trade Efficiency. This is expected to improve availability, quality and accessibility of strategic information for small-and-medium-sized enterprises. This strategic information is not limited to markets, trade opportunities, services and prices but will also include information regarding trade financing, exchange rates, national and international laws on trade, customs and EDI.


The United Nations Trade Point Development Centre (UNTPDC) is now operational in Melbourne (after 2 years in Bangkok) and is hosted by the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT). The UNTPDC/RMIT cooperation aims at establish the "Asia Pacific Trade Point Development Centre (APTPDC) Lab" and conceptualize the Lab operations for further expansion to other regions in the world. The research work covers, technical feasibility, cost effective designs, "information highway" requirements and the modus operandis to support the establishment of electronic information processing, information infrastructuring and electronic commerce technologies to improve trade efficiency throughout the world.

[What's new] [Comments & enhancements requests]
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Find out more about UNTPDC at, or call (61)3-96601704, 96602681.
Copyright © 1995 UN Trade Point Development Centre