Trade Point Programme
A key component of the Trade Efficiency Initiative is the "Trade Point
Programme", which consists mainly of establishing, operating, and
interconnecting Trade Points in all regions of the world.
The GTPNet index links to existing Trade Points Home Pages
and to relevant links on trade, investment and tourism worldwide. In some
cases the Trade Points are using the UNTPDC Internet Server Incubator
Services, in other cases they are operating their own servers. From The
GTPNet index users can link with all Trade Points and their related Trade
Efficiency members at national level.
GTPNet Flags
The flags of the countries hosting Trade Points. You may click on the flag to take
you to the Trade Point in that country.
Internet Global Connectivity Map
Shows you the countries that are connected to the internet.
Trade Point links on the Net!
See what's available on the Net related to Trade Points.
Directory of Trade Point directors and co-ordinators. Send an email to the
Trade Point through their email directory.
Trade Point General Forum
Specialized open forum for the discussion of Trade Point
related subjects.
Trade Point Internet Incubator
Trade Points without Internet capabilities are invited to
locate their databases and services at the UNTPDC "Trade Point Internet
Incubator" which offers temporary assistance and support to infant Trade
Points. It also makes their databases and multimedia catalogues available
at the UNTPDC Server in Geneva, Switzerland
- http://www.unicc.org /untpdc.
Abstract Index
From the Trade Point Abstract Index users can navigate among different
Trade Point services and link directly to them. This TP Abstract Index is
a good place to have a quick view on Trade Point innovations and
services available for them at the UNTPDC Servers.