Wednesday, October 09, 2002

Save the world
United for Peace
Environmental News Service
"We must reform, not scrap, the IMF"

Save your computer, your money, your privacy
Yahoo! News - Microsoft Discloses [BIG] Security Flaws that could let others control your computer. Upgrade immediately!

PayPal Targeted by Scam Artists - and don't believe that Nigerian guy either. - W32/Bugbear@MM Help Center Bugbear: the computer virus of the year. Don't mess around. Get an antivirus program and update it every week or every virus, seriously. Norton makes a good one too, and Bugbear is it's front-page news now as well. - Is Microsoft Serious About Security? [get a Mac and never look back]

Bode Billboard Job
50-foot billboard
route 9
hadley mass
then above highway 91 in mass.
it goes up next week

Delta's site
The World of Micah Ian Wright
MUSEE - Directory of museums worldwide including art, science, history, zoos, archaeology, and aquariums.