Buncha interesting stuff I've seen lately ...

Art Materials Marketplace - Classifieds - Artist Resource
Amazing flash site about creation myths
Drum And Bass Radio - BassDrive
Extreme trees: Arborsmith Studios
Digitally Imported
Funsize has very cool character sketches.
Chuck Ferris Photography has some of the most interesting photos I've seen lately.
ZBRUSH Mac and PC art tool. Free demo, looks like tons of fun for the digitally creative.

Billboard seen in ntk
Tried Google image search yet?
rtmark.com - the art of parody and prank
Streetwriter- a mean painting machine by Institute for Applied Autonomy
The Ebb, Flow & Dilemma of Protest Art
www.zewall.com online painting program. No plug-in required.
www.aerosolplanet.com shows some great pieces
Conspiracy Fact and Fiction
"When evil men plot, good men must plan. When evil men burn and bomb, good men must build and bind. When evil men shout ugly words of hatred, good men must commit themselves to the glories of love. Where evil men would seek to perpetuate an unjust status quo, good men must seek to bring into a being a real order of justice." - Dr. Martin Luther King
Who needs conspiracy theory when you can have conspiracy fact?
What Caused the Catastrophic Explosion at the Pentagon on 9/11/01?
Feds Open 'Total' Tech Spy System
Pentagon Proposed Pretexts for Cuba Invasion in 1962
Educate yourself about how governments misbehave from the George Washington University archive.
transparency.org/ exposes and fights international corruption
Life, Death, Work, Consume
Husky R.I.P 17.12.01 by wow123
Dealing With Mortality: A Skeptic's Guide
Environmental Careers & Green Jobs Directory
Recycled Furniture and Green Furniture - Directory
UN: AIDS Agency Warns Of Spreading Epidemic, Especially In Russia, Central Asia, And Eastern Europe but some governements don't educate their people so they can avoid risky behavior.
Warcry the warrior goddess.
Web, Computers and Privacy
Palladium - what it is and why you should care
.Net and Passport, and why you should care how they work
Klez worm. Why weird stuff keeps coming via email pretending to come from people you might know.
How not to make your site accessible
How to convert from Entourage to Eudora email on a Mac
HTML tutor from IT world
Open Content Network
Privacy hole in MSN messenger. Check Microsoft.com for updates to your M$ products regularly, if you're still running any of them.
Articles about other troublesome software, including Microsoft stuff and Kazaa.
Breakdown of Kazaa problems here.
Morpheus is no better, unfortunately.
Spyware, In a Galaxy Near You
Ad Aware spyware removal tool. Free.
privacynow.com: best sites for PRIVACY
"Anyone who slaps a 'this page is best viewed with Browser X' label on a Web page appears to be yearning for the bad old days, before the Web, when you had very little chance of reading a document written on another computer, another word processor, or another network." - Tim Berners-Lee in Technology Review, July 1996. See anybrowser.org
New News and Old
Metafilter - Blog of blogs.
One Half a Manifesto by Jaron Lanier. Jaron's one of the smartest artists alive today. When he speaks, try to catch up. It's worth it. Here he explains why we don't have to worry about computers taking over the world anytime soon.
Lip Magazine
German graffiti stamp
Mook reaches for heaven. Hope he doesn't fall.Police anger reaches new heights over Mook's daredevil graffiti
DISPENSING with FORMALITIES - make your own newstand.
A great envelope Enzo mailed me
Blair Line Graffiti Decals makes graffiti decals for model trains. They might be selling your freight pieces. (A copyright violation.) Or you might want to allow it and get some decals for yourself.
Labels: RIP
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