Objective 1: Creation of a
multimedia product catalogue on the UNTPDC WWW Server in Geneva linked
to the Global Trade Point Network.
Result 1.1:
Collection and processing of relevant multimedia information
(catalogues, pictures, videos, etc) of the main national export products.
Activity 1.1.1 Do an
inventory of services to be provided from the Home Page and of links to
be established to individual databases on the Gopher and Web. Define
the characteristics and media to be used for the creation of the Home
Activity 1.1.2
Do an inventory of multimedia company profiles (importers, exporters,
manufacturers, agents, distributors) of companies which are potential
TP clients.
Activity 1.1.3
Process multimedia data processing (scanning, multimedia preparation,
graphical composition, digitalization) and prepare lay-out design.
1.2.Preparation of the Multimedia
Product Catalogue at the UNTPDC WWW Server.
Activity 1.2.1 Prepare the Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML)
-file for each individual page of the catalogue and link it to the
graphics to be used by the multimedia catalogue.
Activity 1.2.2 Upload the files to the UNTPDC Geneva Internet
Server and link them to other servers available through the Global
Trade Point Network. (During the initial phase of the project the data
will be uploaded by the UNTPDC directly to its server in Geneva; once
there is a server available at national level, the uploading will be
done locally).
Activity 1.2.3 Develop the search criteria and script engines in
accordance to the Common Gateway Interface (CGI) standard on the
Objective 2 Establishment
of an Internet Web Server at the Trade Point and of a connection to
national trade facilitation/information providers.
2.1 Basic infrastructure to install
the Internet Server.
Activity 2.1.1 Establish the required connection to a local
Internet provider in order to access: - Global Trade Point Network
- United Nations Trade Point Development Centre (UNTPDC)
- Virtual Trade Points (VTPs)
- National Trade Point Network
- Trade Point end-users (companies)
- Value Added Networks (VAN)
- Packet Data Switching Networks (PDSN).
Activity 2.1.2 Adapt the required SERVER software to operate the
telecommunications facilities provided by the server to end-users such
- Fax on Demand Software
- Voice Mail Software
- BBS Software
- Electronic Mail Software
- Gateway Software
- Unix Software (X400, X500)
- EDI Communicator
- World Wide Web server software
2.2: Hardware/Software, Network
Topology and System Integration for the Internet Server.
Activity 2.2.1 Select hardware configuration for the Server.
Activity 2.2.2. Install hardware and software, test and
Activity 2.2.3 Provide system documentation.
2.3: Training and Human Resources
Activity 2.3.1 On-the-job training for Trade Point staff.
Activity 2.3.2 Organization of specific seminars per sector of
Activity 2.3.3 Training missions to selected Trade Points.
Result 2.4:
Marketing and Promotion.
Activity 2.4.1 Develop and produce the marketing packages to
inform local firms of the existence and capabilities of the Trade
Activity 2.4.2 Develop and disseminate relevant promotion
packages for Trade Point users.
Activity 2.4.3 Establish a price policy for the services
provided by the Trade Point and prepare a catalogue of services.
Activity 2.4.4 Organize marketing seminars and visits to local
Trade Points wishing
to participate in this project, please email to cmoreira@eto.geis.com