Please read this first
This wiki pages contains scripts to install contrib addons for SME 6.5, which is still not final. I would encourage you to wait for the final version and only add the contribs that you absolutely need if system stability is of importance to you. Adding any contribs will most likely impair you from easily updating to future versions of SME, including 7.0, which is under development now. So does that mean you shouldn't add any contribs? I would again recommend only to add what you really need.
- Yum
- MySQL 4.0.24
- PHP and Horde3/IMP4 (webmail)
These are not official updates and no support or warranty is provided.
Use on a fresh install of 6.5RC1 only.
Wiki Page revision information
Look here to see what changes have been made to this page.
Outline installs yum and does the updates from the official 6.5 updates directory. After this step it would be a good idea to configure your server. Access the server-manager and set up the remote access, email, directory, and any other settings. updates MySQL to 4.0.24. Probably a good idea to reboot after this one too. - NOTE: Just edited on Jan 26, 2005 to reflect corrections from: HomePage.html/How%20to%20Upgrade%20MySQL%20to%204.0.x%20for%20SME%20Server Installs php 4.3.10 and installs or upgrades to Horde3/IMP4. - Added on 2-14-05
Updated script to remove all manually entry - Added on 3-3-05
Updated script to include mimp - Added on 3-5-05
Authors: Greg Swallow, John H. Bennett III
(feel free to make any changes to this page if you think I'm wrong or there is a better way to do something - just leave a comment in the 'Summary' field when you save your changes)
YUM (For uchecking for and downloading/installing official updates)
#!/bin/sh #Install yum and configure yum.conf mkdir -p /root/plus/yum cd /root/plus/yum wget -nc rpm -Uvh yum-1.0.3-1_73.noarch.rpm mv -f /etc/yum.conf /etc/yum.conf.old touch /etc/yum.conf echo '[main]' > /etc/yum.conf echo 'cachedir=/var/cache/yum' >> /etc/yum.conf echo 'debuglevel=2' >> /etc/yum.conf echo 'logfile=/var/log/yum.log' >> /etc/yum.conf echo 'pkgpolicy=newest' >> /etc/yum.conf echo '[base]' >> /etc/yum.conf echo 'name=SME 6.5 Beta2 Base' >> /etc/yum.conf echo 'baseurl=' >> /etc/yum.conf echo '[updates]' >> /etc/yum.conf echo 'name=SME 6.5 Beta2 Updates' >> /etc/yum.conf echo 'baseurl=' >> /etc/yum.conf #Do yum updates yum -y update #Post-upgrade and reboot /sbin/e-smith/signal-event post-upgrade clear echo "The server needs to reboot, press any key to continue..." read answer /sbin/e-smith/signal-event reboot
MySQL 4.0.24
#!/bin/sh #Update to mysql 4.0.24 mkdir -p /root/plus/mysql4024 cd /root/plus/mysql4024 service mysqld stop&&sleep 20 rpm -e --nodeps mysql mysql-server rpm -e mysql-devel rpm -e mysqlclient9 wget -nc wget -nc wget -nc wget -nc rpm -Uvh MySQL-*.rpm mv -f /etc/rc.d/init.d/mysql /etc/rc.d/init.d/mysqld ln -s /etc/rc.d/init.d/mysqld /etc/rc.d/init.d/mysql chkconfig --levels 2345 mysqld on chkconfig --levels 016 mysqld off /sbin/e-smith/config setprop mysqld LocalNetworkingOnly no /sbin/e-smith/expand-template /root/.my.cnf ln -s /usr/sbin/mysqld /usr/libexec/ service mysqld start&&sleep 20 MYSQL_PW=`sed q /etc/openldap/` /usr/bin/mysql_fix_privilege_tables --user=root --password=$MYSQL_PW #Post-upgrade and reboot /sbin/e-smith/signal-event post-upgrade clear echo "The server needs to reboot, press any key to continue..." read answer /sbin/e-smith/signal-event reboot
PHP 4.3.10 and Horde3/IMP4/etc (Please test and provide commments at below thread)
Please download the installation script from here:
wget -nc
Also check out these other helpful links: