Hold No Hostage Magazine

Issue 2 of this UK magazine is now available. This time in full-colour, featuring trains and walls from around the UK (London, Hull, Newcastle, Brighton) plus some bits a pieces from Holland and America. A thoroughly recommended purchase.

To order direct, send a cheque (payable to Hold No Hostage) for Ł4.50 to HNH, PO Box 27522, London SE4 2YG.

If you own a shop and are interested in stocking this magazine, you can contact the publishers on 07931 667206.

Solvent Abuse 4

Not a campaign to free 4 estate boys wrongly convicted of sniffing glue but one of the best new graff videos from the UK. Again the Solvent Abuse stable kicks out an hour long, slickly edited graff fest. This mainly homegrown issue also features European action from Holland & Spain, including brilliant action footage of Spanish steel getting it's slaps.

A rare treat halfway through, brings us "Newcastle's Finest" at work. The Metro orange-tops being interviewed by the Solvent Abuse cameraman, whilst buffing tracksides, will no doubt be picked up by Channel 4 for a new docu-soap "Buffers". Also included are: London, Newcastle & Cambridge walls.

Available from the end of Feburary from Bond, 4 Star General & other record shops, it's worth making the effort to get hold of.

Media Snippets

The brand new edition of "RAIL" reports that on December 25th no fewer than 27 train carriages got covered in graffiti while they were standing at Southport station. Four trains had to be completely repainted and were not back in service until January.

Train cameras are being installed on some of the networkers operated by Connex South Eastern. These have already led to one arrest.

Other Bits

If you've been on the Picadilly Line recently, you may have passed South Harrrow yard and seen some colour panels through the trees ...

Vekz Ace Reds
Rambo Kab

That's all for the news for this issue .. I'll let the photos do the talking!!