Thursday, April 02, 2009

Cool Hunting Video Presents: Pixação

Thanks to Joker for the tip!

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Sunday, January 04, 2009

Lost Arts' photos of the Rio Whole Train project

(press the colored buttons to get into the photo albums)

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More news from Brazil

The update about Carolina and this tidbit of goodness are from Lost Art:

Mural SP II by Os Gemeos, Nina, Nunca, Finok, and Zefix
(scroll sideways)

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Monday, December 15, 2008

Brazilian girl still in jail after other writers let free - UPDATE

YAY, she has been freed. English translation by Google

Original post, Dec 15 2008:

Apparently Caroline Pivetta da Mota is very poor and can't prove she has an address, which is why she's the one still in jail. She was arrested for graffiti along with a large group of other writers, but she is the only one left in jail more than 40 days later. In a country where people are said to get away with murder routinely, this seems a bit cruel and unusual. In fact they could keep her for years if she's eventually convicted of the trumped up charges. She sure needs an advocate in SP.
"The 28th Bienal de Sao Paulo came to a close in the first week of December, but the graffiti painter arrested on October 26 for spraying its pavilion's walls remains in jail. Caroline Pivetta da Mota spent her 24th birthday last Saturday behind Santana Penitentiary's bars, where she shares a cell with another young woman, convicted of armed robbery. She will probably still be there for Christmas and maybe even when the next arts biennial takes place in 2010, as the punishment set by the Environmental Crimes Law for the "destruction of cultural heritage" is of one to three years imprisonment."

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Friday, September 19, 2008

Party in Rio - Rio Cruzeiro, a Favela Painting Project

Haas & Hahn proudly announce the inauguration of Rio Cruzeiro, a Favela Painting Project, on 17-19 October 2008

Rio Cruzeiro, an artwork by Jeroen Koolhaas and Dre Urhahn. A +2000 m2 painting of a japanese style river based on a design by master tattooist Rob Admiraal. Painted together with kids from the community of Vila Cruzeiro, the most infamous favela of Rio de Janeiro.

The weekend of the 17th - 19th of October will feature an opening party, photo exhibit and video installations in the center of Rio de Janeiro. On the 18th the painting will be unveiled, followed by a huge blockparty. There will be photo opportunities for the press, guided tours through the community and the whole day will be planned in cooperation with the IBISS Community Center.

Join the Celebration! A once in a lifetime experience to visit this favela and the Favela Painting Project! Book your flights to Rio now!

Those of us who can't fly in for the party can drop them a note on their blog to congratulate these brave and hardworking artists.

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