Friday, February 22, 2008

The StayHigh149 controversy

Bio and TATs have asked me to publish this letter publicly.

Regarding the StayHigh 149 wars
First, I would like to point out that I usually would not involve myself in internet gossip but this has become a real problem. I have too much respect for the graffiti culture and admiration for the old school to allow this to continue. I have just recently learned that you are using my name as well as Per in supporting your claim to be StayHigh149. I will not speak for Per I can only speak for myself.

I cannot say who wrote what first because I was not there. I have been writing for 30 years so I cannot comment on what happened in the 70s. I can only go by what I learn from the old school writers who were there. I know that when we first met you told us you were StayHigh149 and we were like "no way." We even asked you if you were the guy who painted the stick figure smoking a joint and you said yes.

We had no reason to doubt you back then we weren't around in the early days to know and StayHigh had not been heard from in years we took your word for it. I have to say maybe you did write StayHigh149 first (your claim) but you are definitely not the one that people are referring to or the one responsible for all the photos we have seen published throughout the years. What I'm saying is that whether you were first or not you are not the guy who made the name famous.

No one would even be talking about any of this if it were not for the efforts of StayHigh149, Voice of the Ghetto. The man who brought us the smoking stickman. I don't have anything against you personally, you were a cool person but I cannot support you in this matter.

I now know the truth and have since met the original StayHigh149. I look back and realize that we were fooled -- the signs were always there but we just ignored them. I remember Seen UA bringing you some photos of some StayHigh pieces on trains and you said you didn't remember doing them. I found that strange but let it slide. I also noticed that the tag and stick figure you use to tag looked a little shaky but I dismissed it thinking you might be rusty. I also remember speaking to Phase 2 and he told us that the original StayHigh was black.

I remember we were starting to doubt that you were StayHigh then you went and got a StayHigh tattoo and I remember thinking damn I doubt anyone would go to those lengths if he wasn't the real person. I remember going to a Hugo Martinez gallery show with you and all the old school writers saying that the original StayHigh149 was a black guy. At this time I realize that we had been fooled.

I don't think we made a big deal of it at the time because we had become cool with you. I'm sorry that I have to speak about this publicly but you have made it a public matter. I am not attacking you but I cannot allow my name to be used in an effort to change history when I know that you are not the StayHigh who made graffiti history. Bg183 who also painted with you feels the same way. I have nothing to gain by discrediting you but I will not let history be distorted. I'm sorry but credit goes to where credit is due. I wish you much success in your other artistic ventures.

Bio Tats Cru

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