Tuesday, August 15, 2006

If we are afraid, the terrorists win; if we are ignorant, the fanatics win

Great article from Kung Fu Monkey.
"There are a million factors in this New World of Terror. You weigh 'em, you process, and then you move on.

"You move on, building a better international society so that luddite fundamentalist criminal gangs/cults of personality are further and further marginalized.

"Or, if you don't understand 4th Generation Warfare at all, you move on, bombing the shit out of nation-states and handing your opponents massive PR victories. Either way, you move the fuck on."

Speaking of luddite fundamentalist idiots, it's so nice to hear something rational now and again here in the land where we argue about whether science has any merit or if instead you should believe whatever you like. Lawrence Krauss suggests the real question might be whether the ignorant and poorly educated should be in charge of schools and curricula. (nytimes):

"The chairman of the [Kansas, USA] school board ... has openly stated that he believes that God created the universe 6,500 years ago .....?

"... the age of the earth, and the universe, is no more a matter of religious faith than is the question of whether or not the earth is flat."

[Nay, indeed, it is testable. Science is fascinating and exciting, kids. Please look into it. Careers await you that can change the world for the better, really. Be both skeptical and informed.]
