Graffiti News
LETTER-PERFECT-Using graffiti to teach "Hernandez is creator and writer of the animated short 'Writer's Block,' a tongue-in-cheek cartoon featuring Spider, a graffiti artist who teaches the alphabet ..." Contra Costa Times, CA
Two Peninsula Men Arrested For Painting Over Graffiti (Virginia USA) Man bites dog at last.
Craola's new site
Shattering the Broken Window by Juan Pablo
Stick Up Kids has a major update
so did Ekosystem
Graffiti on Private Property in the city of Yarra (download PDF) "We all also pay in human terms when we exclude young people, their youthful energy, passion and potential, or criminalize their behaviours. We are all poorer for excluding vibrancy, silencing debate, limiting potential and growth, in making unwelcome, and in further alienating an otherwise relatively voiceless group from the ëwhole of communityí. When we exclude, we also limit our own scope for growth and potential to engage in debate and understand alternative cultural, political and artistic movements."
THE ART OF REBELLION // a book about international streetart // by Christian Hundertmark is tons of fun. You'll want one.
Art News
Kurt Wenner

More: Bacchus
Dies-Irea 1
Dies-Irea 2
Exposé - digital magician - graphics art forum for professionals
Represent helps graphic designers in the UK.
Environmental Art Museum
Maya - free 3d tools from Alias - for Mac OSX and Windows 2000 and XP
Other kinds of writing - Wikimedia's Wikipedia is humanity's biggest collective knowledge project so far. Want to know something? Want to use your expertise for Good? Check it out. It's free.
Toynbee tiles
Bush in 30 Seconds - winners of the roll-your-own campaign videos here. Amazing work!
Self Publishing?
Warnings and Cautions for Writers--Vanity and Subsidy Publishers
List of resources and essential reading (download PDF file)
Kevin Kelly - Cool Tools - info about books on demand. provides basic printing services
Let someone else write great letters to the US government for you
Progressive Letter Writing Cooperative
Interesting Reading
WorldChanging: Another World Is Here
MadSciNet: The 24-hour exploding laboratory is a great place to visit to answer questions and get ideas, and you can ask scientists questions there too.
Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists is surprisingly readable and fascinating. For example, one of our favorite investigative journalists, Lewis Koch, wrote Dirty bomber? Dirty justice.
Free Internet Press
The stakes are huge "The Padilla ruling represents yet another in a string of recent setbacks for the Bush attempts to hijack constitutional power. But every time they win one, it's a setback that could take generations to undo. And just in case anyone needs reminding, whoever controls the White House after November 2004 is likely to be picking at least two, even three new lifetime Supreme Court appointments in the next four years. Even without such powers, over two million Americans already rest in jail in the Land of the Free. The stakes are enormous."
Take your fear of failure to a new level: Antarctica Helicopter Pilots Jennifer and Colin rescued. " The Polar First Challenge 2003 lifted off from New York on October 22nd, 2003. Its aim was to break the pole to pole record and raise awareness and funds for the conservation organization World Wildlife Foundation. Jennifer Murray, who set the world record for the fastest female solo helicopter flight around the world in 2000, together with co-pilot Colin Bodill, planned to make over 160 stops on the journey to highlight the work of the WWF, flying scientists to key conservation sites, undertaking mapping and zoning of uncharted territory, tracking illegal destruction of natural resources and following endangered species. "
WorkingForChange-2003 Hype vs under-reported stories
"Bush v. Constitution There have been no, repeat, no publicly revealed terror attacks foiled on U.S. soil since 9/11 -- only the trumped-up cases of a few homegrown Muslim fantasy warriors. But state power and erosion of civil liberties and the Bill of Rights continues to expand, in the name of 9/11 and ìterrorismî. A leaked draft of a proposed ìPATRIOT IIî bill caused a public uproar early in the year. A major provision was then snuck through Congress anyway -- the right to seize and examine any businessís records, no warrant, judge, or jury needed. Guantanamoís prisons continue to expand, allegations of torture and border brutalizations keep cropping up in foreign media, and John Ashcroft still has a job. The good news: increasingly, courts are telling Bush to back off. The bad news: if reelected, Bush will likely get to pick two or three new Supreme Court judges.
The U.S. remains the biggest terrorist nation in the world. We're the largest arms exporter. Weíre funding the next generation of Saddams in places like Pakistan and Uzbekistan, we give Israel money and diplomatic cover, we ignore international treaties and laws whenever we like. For years, it was all done with an implied threat: our military will crush any regime that strays too far out of line. With Iraq, the threat is no longer implied; itís right out there for all to see.
No combination of world powers has been able or willing to hold this rogue state accountable for its transgressions. The only force that can is the American public itself. In 2004, weíll have the chance. The essential first steps: Educating ourselves, seeking out multiple alternative news sources, and making up our own minds. The essential next steps: use that knowledge, spread that knowledge, and get busy!!" --Geov Parrish
Beyond the Beyond blog of randomness.
SOS Camera Watch Project at the Data Privacy Lab
Genetically Engineered Food Alert Campaign
Other cool stuff
Fixed Width Days - an ascii-art story
End World Hunger - Give a family a cow, geese, or bees.
Apple Choo-Choo 3D
Konfabulator - Make and trade tools for Mac OSX
The Brick Apple - New York City in LEGO
Cheech Wizard Toys - skateboards, Kaws, you name it.
Internet Archive: Moving Image Archive provides grist for the creative mill.
How to get spyware off your computer and keep it off.
Why iTunes etc. is not a solution to music sharing
M3: Miami Music Multimedia, March 5-9, 2004
Slashdot | Electronic Music 101
Metropolis Records - not RIAA, for Electronic Body Music, Industrial Dance Music, and other amazing types of music
A Different Drum Records - not RIAA, for synthpop
Niliaihah Records - not RIAA, for EBM/darkwave
Einstuerzende Neubauten last year launched a project and asked fans for funds. Fan sponsors got access to video feeds of production and other performances. An exclusive CD, sponsor discounts in upcoming tours and access to old and rare material as well as a double CD live album free to download. They got over twice as much sponsorship as they expected. And as a result are doing phase two (another album and a DVD upon sponsorship).
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