
pcb: An interactive printed circuit board editor

Name:pcb Vendor:Aurora SPARC Linux
Version:0.20060822 License:GPL
Release:9.al3 URL:
PCB is an interactive printed circuit board editor for the X window system. PCB includes a rats nest feature, design rule checking, and can provide industry standard RS-274-X (Gerber), NC drill, and centroid data (X-Y data) output for use in the board fabrication and assembly process. PCB offers high end features such as an autorouter and trace optimizer which can tremendously reduce layout time.

Arch: src

Build Date:Tue Feb 6 18:10:11 2007
Packager:Aurora SPARC Linux <>
Size:3.09 MiB


* Sun Feb 4 16:00:00 2007 Chitlesh Goorah <chitlesh [AT] fedoraproject DOT org> - 0.20060822-9
- fixed presence in gnome menu
* Sun Dec 24 16:00:00 2006 Chitlesh Goorah <chitlesh [AT] fedoraproject DOT org> - 0.20060822-8
- Removed duplicates
* Fri Dec 22 16:00:00 2006 Chitlesh Goorah <chitlesh [AT] fedoraproject DOT org> - 0.20060822-7
- Fixed info files and added to the pcb package #219406
- Fixed man pages (with patch0 to suit fedora packaging of pcb
- Added refcard.pdf in pcb binary package
- Removed duplicated MergePCBPS and Merge_dimPCBPS from pcb binary package
- pcb supports for acpcircuits included

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