6 February 1996
Algeria Algiers TP Manager: tel: (213) 2 751485/ 683793 M. Smail Cherrak fax: (213) 2 761571/ 750126 Directeur de Internet: l'Observatoire des Marchés Extérieurs BP 65 Cité 5 Juillet Bab Ezzouar Algiers Argentina Santa Fe TP Director: tel: (54) 42 561 762 Lic. María Lucila fax: (54) 42 554 240 Ortiz D. Internet: Coordinadora Ejecutiva Trade Point Santa Fe Cabecera Darsena 1 Puerto Santa Fe Santa Fe La Plata TP Co-ordinator: tel: (54) 21 60 1000 Dr. Oscar Alfredo fax: (54) 21 60 1000 Lago Internet: Gerente de planeamiento economico-financiero Ente de administracion y explotacion de la zona franca La Plata Armenia Erevan TP Manager: tel/fax: (374) 3 906840 Mr. Vahram Hakopian Internet: Ministry of Economy Government Bld. 2 375010 Erevan Australia Melbourne TP Director: tel: (61) 3 9639 4737 Donald Gibb fax: (61) 3 9663 2331 Flinders Street Internet: P.O.Box 10 Melbourne 3005 Benin Cotonou TP Co-ordinator: tel: (229) 331371 Mr. Marcel Alapini fax: (229) 314209 Conseil National des Chargeurs du Benin BP 06 2528 Cotonou Bolivia Cochabamba TP Manager: tel: (591) 42 57055-56-57-59 Lic. Marco Antonio fax: (591) 42 45409/57060 Becerra e-mail: Director Trade Point Cámara de Industria P.O. Box 221 Av. Ballivian No. 782 Cochabamba Brazil Belo Horizonte TP Manager: tel: (55) 31 217 3380 Roberto Ricardo Amado fax: (55) 31 217 3383 Centro de Comercio Internet: Exterior de Belo Horizonte Rua Rio de Janeiro, 750 30160-041 Belo Horizonte Brasilia President: Prof. Joao Claudio tel: (55) 61 347 0260/ Todorov 348 2730 UnB Reitoria fax: (55) 61 274 5918/ 225 4359 70910 Brasilia, DF e-mail (GE): tpbrasilia Internet: TP Manager: Sr. Joao Bosco tel: (same) Ribeiro fax: (same) UnB CDT 70910 Brasilia, DF Campinas President: Sr. Ulysses Semeghini TP Manager: Sra. Divina Silva tel: (55) 192 455552 Aeropuerto Int'l de fax: (55) 192 455111 Viracopos e-mail (GE): !tpcampinas Campinas S:P: Internet: Rodovia Santos Dumont km66 CEP 13051-970 Curitiba TP Co-ordinator: tel: (5541) 2725765 Sra. Adriane Zaeyen fax: (5541) 2736126 Rua Eduardo Sprada, 5 Internet: 900 Cidade Industrial 81270-010 Curitiba Paranà Florianópolis President: Sr. Osvaldo Moreira Doaut TP Manager: tel: (55) 482 314317 / 340122 Sr. Henry Quaresma fax: (55) 482 345623 FIESC e-mail (GE): tpflorianopo Av. Admar Gonzago, Internet: 1505 Itacorubi CEP: 88034-001 Florianópolis - SC Fortaleza TP Manager: tel: (55) 85 244-9001 Sr. Paulo Marcio Melo tel/fax: (55) 85 244-5239 Trade Point Fortaleza Internet: Av. Barao de Studart, Homepage: 1980 CEP 60128-900 Fortaleza, CE 60120-001 Porto Alegre President: tel: (55) 51 2111977 /2111615 Sr. Helio Henkin fax: (55) 51 2111562 Technical Director, SEBRAE tel: (55) 51 2235877 Director Information fax: (55) 51 2234849 & Telecommunications: Sr. Rogerio Santanna PROCEMPA Av. Ipiranga, 1200 CEP 90160-091 tel: (55) 51 2289200/ 2252861 / 2252680 Director of Promotion fax: (55) 51 2253154 & Marketing: Internet: Sr. Leodir Senger Rua Uruguai, 167 Porto Alegre CEP 90010-140 Rio de Janeiro Co-ordinator: tel: (55 21) 291 1229 Sr. Paulo Manoel fax: (55 21) 253 3200 Protasio President of the e-mail (GE): WTCRJ@WTCA World Trade Center of Rio de Janeiro Rua da Candelaria, 9--12th floor Rio de Janeiro Cape Verde Praia Co-ordinator: tel: (238) 61 63 76 Sr. A. Lopes fax: (238) 61 37 98 Director Geral do Comércio Praia Chile Santiago President: tel: (56) 2 698 0000/671 34 50 Sr. Luis Maturana fax: (56) 2 698 5640 Gerente Comercial Internet: Banco Hipotecario y de Fomento Nacional Calle Huerfano 1234 Santiago tel: (56) 2 699 4072 fax: (same) TP Manager: Sr. Carlos Fuenzalida (same address) China Beijing National tel: (86) 10 5197249 Co-ordinator: fax: (86) 10 5197903 Ms. Tang Kefen tel: (86) 10 5236688 ext. 2166 TP Manager: fax: (86) 10 5130181 Ms. Xu Xiaoxi Internet: Beijing Trade Point 190 Chao Nei St. Beijing 100010 Shanghai TP Manager: tel: (86) 21 63232188/2407 Ms. Lu Dan fax: (86) 21 63232439 Shanghai Trade Point e-mail (GE): tpshanghai 27, Zhongsan road, E.1 Shanghai Foreign Trade Computer Center Shanghai 200002 tel: (86) 21 6323 2175 fax: (86) 21 6323 2439 TPDC Manager China: Internet: Mr. Lu Jianzhong Shanghai Trade Point Colombia Barranquilla TP Manager: tel: (57) 53 415055 Sra. Janine Pinedo fax: (57) 53 415516 Directora Trade Point Internet: Calle 40 #44-39 Barranquilla Bucaramanga TP Manager: tel: (57) 76 330880 Sra. Amanda Gomez fax: (57) 76 334062 Cra 19 #36-20 Piso 2 Internet: Bucaramanga Cali TP Manager: tel: (57) 2 8823271 Sra. Marta Olga fax: (57) 2 8899292 Jensen Internet: Directora Trade Point Calle 8a #3-14 Piso 3o Cali Cartagena TP Manager: Sra. Zenia Jimenez tel: (57) 5 6607680/ 701/702 Directora Trade Point fax: (57) 5 6607703 Edificio Aduana Internet: Nacional Manga 3 Av. Calle 28 #25-27 Manga Cartagena Santa Fé de TP Manager: tel: (57) 1 2813181 Bogotá Sr. Alberto Navarro fax: (57) 1 2839967 Director Trade Point Internet: Edif. Centro de Comercio Internal Calle 28 No.13A 59 Santa Fé de Bogota Côte Abidjan TP Co-ordinator: Tel. (225) 21 14 69 D'Ivoire Mr. Ferdinand Kacou Fax: (225) 21 23 34 Angora Minister of Commerce Ministry of Industry and Commerce Abidjan Cuba La Habana Sra. Liliana Valmaña tel: (53) 7 31 2404/31 1160 Cámara de Comercio de fax: (53) 7 33 3042 Cuba 21 v D. Vedado Ciudad de La Habana Czech Prague TP Co-ordinator: tel: (422) 2406 2021 Republic Mr. Jirí Krovák fax: (422) 2422 1575 Centre for External Economic Relations Politickych veznu 20 P.O.Box 791 111 21 Praha 1 Egypt Cairo TP Manager: tel: (202) 3033481/ 3033486/3458818 Mr. Mostafa El Said fax: (202) 3468818/ 3471899/3451840 Ahmed Under-Secretary of State at Trade Point: Head of Egypt tel: (202) 303 3475/3486-3489 International Trade fax: (202) 303 3480/3477 Point Internet: Ministry of Economy & Foreign Trade 96 Ahmed Orabi St., P.O. Box 140 Aguaza 12411 Cairo Estonia Tallinn TP Co-ordinator: tel: (372) 2 450925/ Mr. Yuri Pedai 250 14765 (mobile phone) Estonian Trade fax: (372) 6314117 Council Internet: 2 Kiriku Str. Tallinn Finland Helsinki TP Co-ordinator: tel: (358) 0 69591 Mr. Jan Eklund fax: (358) 0 6940 028 The Finnish Foreign Internet: Trade Assoc. FFTA Trade Point P.O.Box 908 00101 Helsinki Tampere President: tel: (358) 31 2223666 Mr Ari Ahola fax: (358) 31 2110007 c/o ETC Ltd email: Hämeenpuisto 21 P.O. Box 90 33211 Tampere tel: (358) 31 2223666/40 5476811 Manager: fax: (358) 31 2110007 Mr. Ilkka Aura email: (same address) TP Co-ordinator: tel: (358) 31 2223666/21 2437173/400 522 Mr. Kari Haikkola 411 (same address) fax: (358) 21 243 7175 email: France Bordeaux TP Co-ordinator: tel: (33) 56 79 50 22 M. Gilles fax: (33) 56 79 52 65 Guyonnet-Duperat Internet: World Trade Centre Bordeaux 2, place de la Bourse 33076 Bordeaux Cedex Grenoble TP Co-ordinators: Ms. Odile Arnould/ tel: (33) 76 28 28 40 Mr. Jean-Claude fax: (33) 76 28 28 35 Pouilloux Internet: GREX World Trade Centre Grenoble Place Robert Schuman B.P. 1509 38025 Grenoble Cedex 1 Le Havre TP Co-ordinator: M. Francis Genot tel: (33) 35 21 43 41 Directeur fax: (33) 35 21 06 81 CHCI Internet: Quai George V 76600 Le Havre Lille TP Co-ordinator: tel: (33) 20 57 05 07 M. Didier Niquet fex: (33) 20 40 04 55 World Trade Centre Internet: Lille 58 et 112, rue de l'Hôpital Militaire BP 209 59029 Lille cedex Gabon Libreville TP Co-ordinator: tel: (24) 1 745925/769223 M. P. fax: (24) 1 765838 Owondo-Bourdettes Directeur Général du Commerce Ministère du Commerce B.P. 561 Libreville Germany Rostock TP Manager: tel: (49) 381 51395 Mr. Martin Schmidt fax: (49) 381 52255 WTC Gmbh e-mail: Parkstrasse 51 18119 Rostock-Warnemünde Guinea Bissau TP Co-ordinator: tel: (245) 201759 Bissau Mr. Salin Ba fax: (245) 201878 Ministère du Commerce Ave. 3 de Agosto BP 85 Bissau Hungary Budapest TP Co-ordinator: tel: (36) 1 311 3643 Mr. Tamás Sömjen fax: (36) 1 311 6800 Deputy Director General Ministry of Industry & Trade 1055 Budapest Honvéd u.13-15 India New Delhi TP Manager: tel: (91) 11 3016334 Ms. V. Bharucha fax: (91) 11 3014418/3583 Additional Economic Adviser Ministry of Commerce Udyog Bhawan Rafi Marg New Delhi 110 011 Indonesia Jakarta TP Manager: Mr. I Gusti Putu tel: (62) 21 5252194 Suryawirawan fax: (62) 21 5261086 Deputy Director e-mail(AT&T): !igustiputu PUSDATA Internet: Jalan Gatot Subroto Kav. 52-53 Jakarta Selatan Israel Tel Aviv TP Co-ordinator: tel: (972) 3 613 7796 Mr. G. Karny fax: (972) 3 613 7797 2 Shtibel St. Internet: Tel Aviv Kenya Nairobi TP Co-ordinator: tel: (254) 2 220866 Mr. Rem O. Ogana fax: (254) 2 340664 KNCCI Internet: Ufanisi House Haile Selassie Ave. P.O. Box 47024 Nairobi Korea Seoul Deputy TP Director: tel: (82) 2 551 5072 Mr. Andy S. Mun fax: (82) 2 551-6702 Korea Foreign Trade e-mail: Association 159-1 Samsung-dong Kangnam-Ku Seoul Mali Bamako TP Co-ordinator: tel: (223) 230901 Mr. Ababoucar Diabaté fax: (223) 226304 Projet de réforme économique pour le développement BP 34 Bamako Mauritania Nouakchott TP Co-ordinator: tel: (22) 22 53572 Mr. Mohamed Ould fax: (22) 22 53014/ 58648 Hanine Directeur du Commerce Extérieur Ministère du Commerce, de l'Artisanat et du Tourisme BP 182 Nouakchott Morocco Rabat TP Co-ordinator: tel: (21) 27 703363 Mr. Zouhair Triqui fax: (21) 27 700137 Inspecteur Ministère du Commerce Extérieur 63 Ave. Moulay Youssef Rabat Computer Expert: tel: (212) 7 750027 Mr. Aziz Rabbah fax: (212) 7 751016 Avenue Tadla, Mabella Rabat Mozambique Maputo TP Co-ordinator: tel: (258) 1 - 426922/426091 Mr. Guilhemre Bila fax: (258) 1 - 421305/431206 National Director of Foreign Trade Ministry of Commerce Praca 25 de Junho P.O.Box 1831 Maputo Peru Lima Sr. Jan Mulder Panas tel: (51) 14 619 869 Primer Vicepresidente fax: (51) 14 639 813 Cámara de Comercio Gregorio Escobedo 398 Lima Philippines Manila President: tel: n.a. Mr. H. Montenegro fax: (63) 2 816 1946 Philippines Chamber of Commerce & Industry Ground Floor, East Wing Secretariat Building PICC CCP Complex Roxas Blvd. Pasay City Metro Manila tel: (63) 2 8310340/ 8338591/ 8338592/ 8338665 TP Manager: fax: (63) 2 8338895 Ms. Carmencita Arce Internet: (same address) Portugal Lisbon TP Co-ordinator: tel: (351) 1 7930103 Ms. Cristina fax: (351) 1 7950961 Guimaraes Internet: Information & Publications Dept. ICEP Av. 5 de Outubro, 101 1016 Lisboa Codex Porto TP Co-ordinator: tel: (351) 2 9961530/36 Mr. José Paulo fax: (351) 2 9957017/ Queirós (351) 2 9964213 Association Internet: Industrial Portuense Exponor 4450 Matosinhos Russian Moscow National tel: (7) 095 244 4245/ 244 3413 Federation Co-ordinator: fax: (7) 095 230 2634/ 244 3981 Mr. Alexander V. Fillipov Deputy Head of Division Dept. for Multilateral Cooperation tel: (7) 095 233 9868/9968/ 9966 Ministry of Foreign fax: (7) 095 230 2018 Economic Relations Internet: Smolesnskaya-Sennaya Sq., 32/34 121200 Moscow TP Director: Mr. Viktor Melnikov Russian Pilot Trade Point 18/1 Ovchinnikovskaya nab. Moscow 113324 Saint TP Coordinator: tel: (7) 812 316 7498/5013 Petersburg Mr. Yuri Ardatov fax: (7) 812 316 7729 Tellus Internet: P.O.Box 8 Saint Petersburg 198052 Sao Tome & Sao Tome TP Co-ordinator: tel: (239) 12 - 21484 Principe Mr. A. Menezes Santos fax: (239) 12 - 22790 Director of Commerce Ministry of Commerce P.O.Box 168 - S.Tome Senegal Dakar TP Manager: tel: (22) 1 234675 Ms. Aminata Sall fax: (22) 1 239363 Ministère du Commerce et de l'Artisanat 122 rue Félix Eboué BP 2050 Dakar Singapore Singapore TP Co-ordinator: tel: (65) 7785611 Mr. Benjamin Chow fax: (65) 7785277 Account Manager Business Development Singapore Network Services 75 Science Park Drive #B1-01/13 CINTECH II Building Singapore 0511 South Pretoria TP Co-ordinator: tel: (27) 12 310 95 29 Africa Mr. Gert Vorster fax: (27) 12 322 02 98 Deputy Director: Data Dept. of Trade and Industry Private Bag X84 Pretoria 0001 Spain Las Palmas de TP Co-ordinator: tel: (34) 28 41 14 34 Gran Canaria Sr. Augustín Bravo de fax: (34) 28 41 43 04 Laguna e.mail: Proexca Recinto Ferial Apartado de Correos, 49 35080 Las Palmas de Gran Canaria Sevilla TP Co-ordinator: tel: (34) 5 448 82 22 Sr. Antonio Trueba fax: (34) 5 446 21 73 WTC Sevilla e.mail: Isla de la Cartuja 41092 Sevilla Switzerland Geneva TP Co-ordinator: tel: (41) 22 798 99 89 Mr. Philippe L. fax: (41) 22 791 08 85 Doubre e-mail: WTC Geneva/Lausanne P.O.Box 306 1215 Geneva 15 Lausanne TP Co-ordinator: tel: (41) 22 798 99 89 Mr. Philippe L. fax: (41) 22 791 08 85 Doubre e-mail: WTC Geneva/Lausanne P.O.Box 306 1215 Geneva 15 Tanzania Dar es Salaam Mr. M.K. Mwandoro tel: (255) 51 46240/ 31600 Director General fax: (255) 51 46240 Board of External Trade P.O.Box 5402 Dar es Salaam TP Coordinator: Ms. Jacqueline Maleko tel: (255) 51 22775(6-9)/ 21516/46788 Ministries of fax: (255) 51 46919 Industries & Trade P.O.Box 9503 Dar es Salaam (all official correspondence to be addressed to Principal Secretary Attention: Ms. J. Maleko) Thailand Bangkok TP Manager: tel: (66) 2 271 2934/ 3010-14 Mr. Koonchorn fax: (66) 2 271 2637 Autachinda Internet: Chairman & Managing Director KV Info Technologies Co. Ltd. Boonpong Tower, 20th floor 1193 Phaholyothin Rd. Phayatai Bangkok 10400 Jewellery TP: tel: (66) 2 238 2964 Mr. Henry Ho fax: (66) 2 267 1689 Managing Director 919/1 Silom Rd. Bangkok 10500 Tunisia Tunis TP Manager: tel: (21) 61 335 828 Mme. Leila Mokaddem fax: (21) 61 353683 Director Trade Point e-mail (GE): CEPEX 28 rue Ghandi 1001 Tunis Ukraine Kiev TP Co-ordinator: tel: (7044) 2123993/ 2125546 Mr. Serguei K. fax: (7044) 2123985 Bestalanny Internet: 8 Lvivska Sq. MSP-655 254655 Kiev-53 United TP Project Director: tel: (44) 171 287 3525 Kingdom Mr. Richard Dale fax: (44) 171 287 5751 SITPRO Internet: 29 Glasshouse Street London WIR 5RG TP Co-ordinator: Tessa Jones tel: (same) (same address) fax: (same) United Columbus TP Manager: tel: (1) 614 645 1700 States (Ohio) Mr. R. Smith fax: (1) 614 645 1710 President & Executive Director Trade Point USA 41 South High St. Suite 1660 Columbus, Ohio 43215 Trade Data Co-ordinator: Ms. Christie Bauer Internet: Computer expert: Mr. Bryan Beske Detroit/Windsor TP Director: tel: (1) 313 479 2345 James H. Kellow fax: (1) 313 479 5733 1251 Fort Street e.mail: Trenton Michigan 48183 tel: (same) TP Assistant fax: (same) Director: e.mail: (same) Vanessa Danou (same) Los Angeles President: tel: (1) 310 537 4610 Mr. Dutch C. Ross III fax: (1) 310 762 6211 e.mail: TP Manager: Mr. Lamont Gibson tel: same Lynwood, CA 90262 fax: same Uruguay Montevideo TP Coordinator: tel: (598) 2 983 462 Sra Laura Palma fax: (598) 2 907 528 H.Gutirrez Ruiz 1289 Internet: esc.401/2 Montevideo Venezuela San Cristobal TP Director: tel: (58) 76 441683/ 444166 Sra. Milagros de fax: (58) 76 441683 Colmenares e-mail: Directora Trade Point Edif. Primo Centro Piso 3° Av. Libertador - Las Lomas San Cristobal del Tachira Zambia Lusaka TP Co-ordinators: Mr. Elias C. Chipimo tel: (260) 1 260 703 Jr. fax: (same) Lusaka Ms. Heather Chalcraft tel: (260) 1 293 443 TAZ House Annex fax: (260) 1 221 459/294 250/223 608 Chiparamba Rd. P.O.Box 36666 Lusaka 10101 Zimbabwe Harare TP Co-ordinator: tel: (263) 4 732 974/5-7 Ms. Ma-Lord Makaya (263) 4 731 020 ZimTrade fax: (263) 4 723 933 / 706 930 P.O. Box 2738 e-mail: Harare