Compiling Galeon From Source Code

You can download a tarball of the source code from Galeon's SourceForge download page

You also can checkout the most recent Galeon sources from the GNOME CVS server. Here are the commands you need to enter in a terminal:

      [bash]$ export CVSROOT=''
      [bash]$ cvs login
      (Logging in to
      CVS password:

Just hit enter here, there is no password.

    [bash]$ cvs -z3 checkout galeon

The Galeon source will be downloaded to a 'galeon' subdirectory. To compile, change to the 'galeon' subdirectory and type the following commands:

    [bash]$ ./
    [bash]$ make

If all goes well, su to root and type:

    [bash]# make install

For more detailed instructions, read the INSTALL and FAQ text files.