Command Line Options

You can pass any number of URLs to Galeon and they will be opened on startup. If a Galeon process is currently running, the URLs will be forwarded to the existing process. Galeon supports standard GNOME and GTK options (such as --help, -?) and the following Galeon-specific command line options:

--new-tab, -n

Opens the specified URL in a new tab in an existing window.

--new-window, -w

Opens the specified URL in a new window.

--fullscreen, -f

Starts Galeon in fullscreen mode.

--existing, -x

Opens the specified URL in an existing window (if one exists) instead of creating a new one.

--server, -s

Launches Galeon in server mode. In this mode, no windows are opened, but most of the data that Galeon needs is loaded and kept in memory. After running a copy of Galeon in server mode, future instances of Galeon will take much less time to start.

--add-temp-bookmark=URL, -t URL

Adds a temporary bookmark and exits. Only a URL can be specified.

--geometry=GEOMETRY, -g GEOMETRY

Open a window with the specified GEOMETRY. Window geometry is specified in the following format: widthxheight+x+y

E.g. 800x600+0+0 would open a browser window positioned in the top left corner of the screen with a width of 800 pixels and a height of 600 pixels.

--close, -c

Closes all Galeon windows.

--quit, -q

Closes all Galeon windows and exits from server mode.