Saturday, May 10, 2008

Color - It's okay to express yourself, in the closet or garage

Just ask the Swiss Embassy.

"Perhaps we need to follow the example of the Swiss embassy in London, where a recent much-publicized party revealed a secret that its staff had enjoyed privately for years - its underground parking garage is not a dull white wasteland but a place full of colour and commentary.

"In 2001, then-ambassador Bruno Spinner had invited local graffiti artists to create what was supposed to be a temporary installation, but it proved too irresistible to whitewash."


"Back at the Swiss embassy in London, one of the contributing artists, Banksy, has become so famous in the seven years since the graffiti installation was created that his part of it (which includes 21 profiles of Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin sporting a Mohawk and a Mona Lisa with a rifle range stencilled on her forehead) is estimated to be worth £1-million."

"Which is, no doubt, a lot more valuable than all of the granite, marble and embellishments in the embassy's front hall put together."

Of course, there's no photo in the article. And the article goes on about the adventures of conservative people painting bright colors in closets for secret thrills. London does seem the perfect place for a Banksy in the old pantry or a perky little painted car park.

Go ahead ... live a little. Gray is for battleships.

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