Saturday, April 28, 2007

Run for US President on MySpace

[This should be interesting. This whole 2008 election could be won or lost on YouTube and MySpace anyway, but this show might allow the real issues to be discussed and force them to be addressed across the board - if FOX doesn't manipulate the results. - Susan]

"In INDEPENDENT, the winner will receive an award of one million dollars that they cannot keep. What they do with that million dollars is subject to a list of options, all political in nature, but the choice the winner makes will be greatly influenced by the MySpace community and the viewers of the network television show.

"Will the winner choose to donate the money to a political action group (e.g. global warming or education reform)? Will they provide the initial donation to form a third political party that better represents the voices of young Americans? Will they make their own run for the White House in 2008? All of these decisions will be shaped by viewers who watch the show, and influence our winner.

"With the access that MySpace's powerful social networking tools allow, the candidates will have deep real-time access to their viewers/constituents in a manner that is unprecedented in reality programming.

"All candidates interested in running as INDEPENDENT will submit themselves via MySpace Video. Once the candidates are chosen, each will create MySpace Impact profiles to serve as their campaign platform."

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