Sunday, June 04, 2006

Cartoon Contest - political interference in science

The Science Idol winner will receive an all-expenses-paid trip to have lunch with the celebrity judge of his or her choice, plus:

* A cash prize of $500.
* Winning entry printed in Catalyst and featured on the UCS website.
* Winning entry promoted on
* Winning entry printed on cover of 2007 Defending Science calendar.
* Fifty copies of the 2007 Defending Science calendar, including one signed by all celebrity judges.
* An autographed copy of Dude: The Big Book of Zonker by Doonesbury cartoonist Gary Trudeau.


Tony Auth?Cartoonist at The Philadelphia Inquirer
Clay Bennett?Cartoonist at The Christian Science Monitor and president of the Association of American Editorial Cartoonists
Robert Mankoff?Cartoon editor for The New Yorker and founder and president of
Hillary Price?Creator of the syndicated cartoon Rhymes with Orange
