Saturday, August 20, 2005

Flu pandemic + our governments, killers of millions?

The US government is doing nothing about the potential avian flu pandemic that may almost be upon us. Doing nothing is the same as condemning millions, if not billions to death. We need a worldwide coordinated response to Avian Flu and any pandemic. We're overdue for one and still the world leaders are not acting.

Wake some politicians up; your life may depend on it. Ask your representatives what they are doing to stave off economic collapse in the event of a flu pandemic that kills a substantial proportion of your area's citizens, since the national government isn't planning a credible national vaccination effort.

We need vaccine-making infrastructure and megabucks from the rich countries to fund it. Big pharma doesn't care because they can't make a killing on vaccines. So last year, there was not enough flu vaccine for those who wanted it. Imagine how many of us will want vaccine when a flu strain goes pandemic again. It takes a couple of years to make enough vaccine to make a difference, so the time to start demanding action is immediately.

Educate, activate.
The most previous flu pandemic killed 50m people worldwide, in 1918-19. Usually they kill 25% of the population apparently. So far this candidate bird flu has killed 60% of the people who've caught it from birds.

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