Daumier, Honoré (French, 1808-1879)
The Republic, sketch, oil on canvas, 1848, Musée d'Orsay at Paris. 48KB
The Print Collector, 1857-63, oil on panel, The Art Institute of Chicago. 47KB
The Print Collectors, undated, watercolor, gouache, pencil, and india ink on paper. Musée d'Orsay at Paris. 90KB
Advice to a Young Artist, after 1860, oil on canvas, The National Gallery of Art at Washington D.C. 96KB
The Third-Class Carriage, oil on canvas, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York. 93KB
David, Gerard (Flemish, 1460-1523)
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David, Jacques-Louis
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Davies, Arthur Bowen (American, 1862-1928)
Across the Harbor, 1908, oil on canvas, Indianapolis Museum of Art. 123KB
Two Standing Female Nudes, pastel on paper, private collection. 99KB
Davis, Charles Harold (American, 1856-1933)
Clouds and Shadow, oil and canvas. 109KB
Afternoon Shadows: Mystic, Connecticut, 1910, oil on canvas. 127KB
Dawe, George (English, 1781-1829)
V. G. Madatov, The Hermitage, St. Petersburg. 82KB
Portrait of General Alexei Yermolov, approx. 1823, The Hermitage at St. Petersburg. 89KB
Day, Francis (American, 1863-1925)
The Piano Lesson, 1895, oil on canvas. 133KB
Deák-Ébner, Lajos (Hungarian, 1850-1934)
Boat Warpers, 1878, oil on canvas, Hungarian National Gallery. 138KB