Full Screen Mode

Browsing in full screen mode can be very handy if you're running at a low resolution and find it difficult to fit the contents of pages in Galeon's window.

When you enable this option, through the View menu (described in the Section called View Menu) or by hitting the F11 key, the window will be expanded to fill the entire screen and the visibility of the menubar, toolbars, and statusbar will be toggled off. The visibility of these components of the interface can be enabled again by typing the appropriate shortcuts: Shift-Ctrl-M for the menubar, Shift-Ctrl-T for the toolbars, and Shift-Ctrl-S for the statusbar. Full screen mode can be toggled off in the same ways that can be used to toggle it on.


It's possible to browse in full screen mode with the menubar, toolbars, and status bar turned off. Navigation controls are available from the context menu or through keyboard shortcuts, and a bookmark listing can be displayed by clicking the middle mouse button. To enter a new URL, just hit Ctrl-O to display the dialog box.