Numeric Download

When you press the numeric download button on the menu it opens the Numeric download window where you can build lots of similar URL with different sequence numbers.

Figure 3. Numeric Download Window

You need to set a couple of things before doing the ok to build three URL's like this: http://software/file0010.txt, http://software/file0011.txt and http://software/file0012.txt

Part of URL before number

The URL part before the number inside it. Example: "http://software/file"

Numbers From/To

With this two text boxes you can define the first and the last number. Example: From=10 / To=12

Number of digits to pad leading zeros to

Defines how many digits should the sequence number have filling the missing ones with zero. Example: 4

Part of URL after number

It's the last part making the URL. Example: ".txt"

Override Download Dir

By default in the preferences you define the download dir and some rules to change the download dir automatically using a glob exception on the URL. With this override you can force the download directory.

Use proxy

Toggles the use of a proxy to download the file.

Use auto download

Toggles if the file can be auto downloaded or not.