Search Criteria

In addition to the simple filename search described above, the GNOME Search Tool allows you to specify other criteria. To do so, you should select the appropriate criteria type from the drop-down list (located to the left of the Add button), and press Add. This will add this criterion to the already existing ones. GNOME Search Tool will search for files meeting all of the specified criteria. For example, shows search for all files with extension txt which were modified during the last 7 days and which contain the word GNOME.

Figure 3. Sample GNOME Search Session

You can remove any of the criteria you had previously added by pressing Remove button next to it. You can also temporarily disable a criterion by unchecking the Enable check-button next to it.

Below is the list of all possible criteria types:

For those unfamiliar with the notion of regular expression, let us just say that this is an extremely flexible and powerful syntax for pattern matching. Unlike simple wildcard matching, it allows logical operations (and, or, not), lists of symbols to match, checking for a string in the beginning of the line, and much more. Detailed description of regular expressions and extended regular expressions can be found in the man page for grep. New users will probably find it too complicated to use, but for more experienced users, regular expressions can be very useful.