IV World Meeting of Trade Point Directors
Midrand, South Africa
1-3 May, 1996
The fourth worldwide meeting of Trade Point directors and coordinators was attended by 65 representatives from 51 Trade Points in 45 countries, as well as representatives from ITC, UN/ECE, and UNCTAD (see list of participants attached).
The meeting was held during Wednesday morning (1 May), Thursday morning (2 May) and all day Friday (3 May). On Wednesday afternoon, the fourth meeting of the Expert Group on Information and Standards was held, as well as informal workshops with Trade Points. On Thursday afternoon, the second meeting of the Expert Group on Financial Sustainability and Cooperation among Trade Points was held, as well as informal workshops for Trade Point managers. Reports of the expert group meetings and the informal afternoon workshops are attached.
The agenda of the fourth world meeting of Trade Points covered the following items:
Wednesday morning (1 May)
1. Introduction
2. Briefing on the developments since the last meeting in Tampere, Finland
3. Briefing on the expert group meetings held
4. New ETO format and its implementation in the GTPNet
Thursday morning (2 May)
1. Report of the IV Meeting of the Expert Group on Information and Standards
2. Report of the I Meeting of the Expert Group on Financial Sustainability and Cooperation among Trade Points: discussion of guidelines to be established in the GTPNet
Friday morning (3 May)
1. Report of the I Meeting of the Expert Group on the Technical Architecture of the GTPNet
2. Finalizing of the "Guidelines for Financial Sustainability and Cooperation among Trade Points"
Friday afternoon (3 May)
3. Finalizing of the "Guidelines for Financial Sustainability and Cooperation among Trade Points" (continued)
Wednesday, 1 May 1996
9:30 - 12:30 a.m.
The meeting was opened by UNCTAD/SPTE giving an overview of the developments in the programme and the GTPNet since the last world meeting held in Tampere, Finland, in September 1995. The rapid growth of the network activities was pointed out, especially the explosion of hits received on the UNCTAD/TPDC WWW site, reaching 5 millions per month (March 1996). The GTPNet is attracting increasing attention from both media and donors and a major contribution from the European Union for expanding and strengthening the network in Africa is expected to be announced within a couple of weeks. GTPNet is now entering a third stage; after the first stage which was aimed at creating a sufficiently large number of Trade Points, and the second stage which was aimed at building the GTPNet, the third stage is aiming to move towards transactions, or "from contacts to contracts". Providing the enduser with value-added, transactional services will be the major challenge for the future Trade Point network.
It was mentioned that a document called "Fourth assessment of the Trade Point Programme" had been prepared by SPTE and circulated during this meeting. All Trade Points (TPs) are invited to provide comments on this document.
The opening statement was followed by an overview of the preliminary agenda of the meeting which was approved without any further items to be added.
UNCTAD/SPTE then gave a brief overview of the work which had been carried out during the past six months by the three expert groups (EGs) on (1) Information and Standards, (2) Financial Sustainability and Cooperation, and (3) Technical Architecture of the Network . It was explained how the work of these EGs contributes towards building the GTPNet, comparing their work to building three pillars of an edifice which will eventually be covered by the roof, or an international organization of all Trade Points. In this context, the EGs are providing important substantive work for the further development of the GTPNet.
The session moved then on towards discussing the work of the EG on Information and Standards, particularly its latest output, a EDIFACT-compatible format for Electronic Trading Opportunities (ETOs). The focus of this session was on how Trade Points can implement the new structure and, in general, how Trade Points' participation in the ETO system can be strengthened. During the discussion, the following points were raised:
1) The importance of sending structured ETOs was stressed by the Trade Points since this will facilitate the setting up of databases and the use of ETOs. Free-format ETOs should not be sent by Trade Points and will eventually be eliminated. However, for the time being, TPs wish to receive ALL ETOs circulating on the network.
2) The lack of a user-friendly software to browse ETOs was pointed out. This would enormously facilitate the use of ETOs, especially for Trade Points in developing countries and those which lack sufficient computer expertise in order to build their own databases. The EG on Information and Standards was asked to further discuss this issue in their next meeting (in the afternoon) and provide TPs with suggestions.
3) The representative from ITC (International Trade Center) mentioned that ITC was currently developing a software to be used for company registers based on the COMREG standard. The EG on Information and Standards will look into the possibilities for expanding this software to incorporate ETOs.
4) The importance of a more user-friendly manual on the new ETO structure was stressed, since the document sent to TPs was too technical and difficult to read. To this end, it was suggested to establish a homepage or discussion forum on the Web addressing all issues related to the exchange of ETOs.
5) UNCTAD/TPDC explained the Newsgroup system for ETOs developed on the Web.
6) The Latin American representatives presented the conclusions from the last regional meeting held in Santiago de Chile (April 1996) regarding the use of ETOs (see attached).
7) The mandatory fields contained in the ETO format were discussed. It was mentioned that the expiry date should be a mandatory field, and that the URL address in the company address field was too short.
8) The quality control of ETOs by TPs was addressed. Examples were given on how TPs could play a major role in validating the content of an ETO by contacting the local companies and following up on the information they provide.
9) The importance of following-up on the information contained in an ETO was stressed (compared to only providing the information). ETOs should be used to inform companies on business opportunities and the TPs should help their customers to follow-up on the information and complete the trade transaction.
10) The interest in participating in a trial group testing the new ETO format was expressed by many TPs. The EG on Information and Standards will prepare the work for the trial group.
Thursday, 2 May 1996
9:30 - 12:30 a.m.
The meeting started with the EG on Information and Standards giving a summary report of its meeting held the day before (Wednesday afternoon). A report of the meeting is attached. Two main issues were addressed. First, the EG recommends that the new EDIFACT-compatible standard for ETOs is adopted by Trade Points. Second, based on this, a series of steps to be followed for implementing the new standard was suggested.
No objections were made and the proposed standard was accepted by the meeting.
During the discussion, the following issues were raised:
1) The use of the new ETO structure for email messages was explained using the information and codes listed in the document describing the format.
2) The dissemination of ETOs through ETO Associates and the channelling of those to TPs in the respective countries was discussed. In order to redirect ETOs to the TPs, it was recommended that TPs register their email addresses in a harmonized way, using the UN/LOCODE location code developed by UN/ECE and covering all major cities. The email address would then read tp<CITYCODE>@.... It was recommended that TPs register this name as soon as possible. Using harmonized email addresses will facilitate a secure redirecting of ETOs coming from non-TP providers.
The session then moved on towards the next agenda item, the discussion of the final report of the first meeting of the EG on Financial Sustainability and Cooperation among Trade Points, held in Geneva in January 1996. This report had been circulated to all Trade Points for comments. One of the main objectives of this meeting was to finalize and approve the text so that it could be applied as soon as possible.
The following comments were made regarding the text:
1) With respect to geographic limits of Trade Point operations (point 1), the role of Governments was questioned in terms of determining the degree of overlapping of different Trade Points' markets. In this context, the importance of a national coordination among Trade Points was emphasized.
2) Regarding the minimum set of information all Trade Points must provide, it was suggested to create a master index or standard table of contents on the UNICC WWW site in order to facilitate the search of and access to the information.
3) Regarding the exchange of information among Trade Points (point 3), it was emphasized that this must be done on a non-profit basis. Trade Points agreed and stressed the importance of mutual cooperation in the network and the principle of working on a reciprocal basis should be observed as much as possible.
The importance of responding to all requests sent from Trade Points was pointed out. These responses should also include information on the estimated costs of information or services requested/provided. It was recommended that a form be developed and made available to Trade Points which could be used for easy request and response. General requests should be sent as an ETO message.
4) The ETO collection and dissemination (point 5) was discussed and (especially the Latin American) Trade Points stressed the importance of redirecting ETOs from third party providers (ETO Associates) to TPs in the respective countries. UNCTAD/TPDC confirmed this redirection and mentioned that a list of all ETO Associates can be found on the UNICC TPDC Web site.
Regarding the adding of advertisement to the ETO message, TPs suggested to not include advertisement in the email message itself but rather separately.
5) Questions regarding the establishment of regional TPDCs were raised and UNCTAD/SPTE informed TPs that no decisions had been made yet as to the location of regional TPDCs and that all decisions would be taken in close cooperation with local TPs.
Based on these comments, the finalizing of the report was taken up in the next meeting of the EG on Financial Sustainability and Cooperation in the afternoon (see report of the meeting).
Friday, 3 May 1996
9:30 - 12:30 a.m.
2:30 - 5:30 p.m.
The morning session introduced the work of the EG on the Technical Architecture of the GTPNet. A short summary of the first meeting of this EG (in Geneva in April 1996) was given. The report of this meeting had been circulated to TPs early in the week.
Questions were raised on the following items of the report:
1) The participation in the expert group. The Brazilian representatives expressed interest in sending an expert to the next meeting of this EG.
2) Security aspects related to the exchange of information and services on the network. In this context, examples were given from TPs on how to verify company information locally and it was stressed that all TPs should take a larger responsibility in doing this. It was also pointed out that the moving towards the transactional phase is essentail for the GTPNet and that it is important for all TPs to actively participate in moving towards this stage.
TPs were encouraged to provide more detailed comments on the report via email or fax to UNCTAD/SPTE. A sheet entitled "Discussion points for Trade Point directors", prepared by the EG, was distributed to TPs. All TPs are invited to use these discussion points as a basis for submitting their comments.
The afternoon session focused on finalizing the document discussed during the previous day and now entitled "Guidelines for Financial Sustainability and Cooperation among Trade Points" (see copy attached). Comments which had been made by TP representatives the day before had been taken into consideration when drafting a final version of the document.
A significant portion of the discussion focused on the services TPs should provide to their customers. It was frequently mentioned that TPs should not focus on doing business but rather help SMEs to do business. TPs should focus on providing the services which will help their customers trade. TPs should therefore move away from being information providers and further develop their trade facilitation services.
The last section of the report (point 10), "Potential revenue sources for Trade Points" was removed since it presents suggestions rather than required services of TPs. TPs will send their suggestions regarding the services TPs could provide to UNCTAD. These suggestions will be added to point 10 and be applied to help new TPs developing their business plans.
The services each TP must provide are already defined in the document "Criteria for the establishment and operation of Trade Points" and are part of the new "Definition of Trade Points considered operational" in the document.
UNCTAD/SPTE agreed to change the current Trade Point status report according to the new categories defined in the document. TPs suggested to set a time limit (for example, 12 months) for TPs in developed countries for remaining in a stage lower than the "operational" stage.
By the end of the meeting, the document was approved by TP representatives and will from now on be applied in the GTPNet.
IV WORLD TRADE POINT MEETING , MIDRAND, SOUTH AFRICA 28 APRIL - 5 MAY 1996 TRADE POINT REPRESENTATIVE S COUNTRY City Name of participant Algeria Alger Mr. Rachid Amerouche Angola Luanda Mr. J. Neto Argentina Santa Fe Ms. Maria Lucila Ortiz La Plata Dr. Oscar Lago Mr. Teofilo Gomila Armenia Erevan Mr. Vahram Hakopian Bolivia Cochabamba Mr. Marco Becerra Brazil Florianopoli Mr. Mauro s Souza Porto Mr. Rogerio Alegre Santana Brasilia Mr. Paulo Camargo Brasilia Ms. Renata Sanches Cap Verde Praia Mr. Avelino Lopes Chile Santiago Mr. Carlos Fuenzalida China Shanghai Mr. Lu Jianzhong Beijing Ms. Tang Kefan Colombia Cartagena Ms. Xenia Jimenez Cote d'Ivoire Abidjan Mr.Albert Dan Egypt Cairo Mr. M. Badr Finland Tampere Mr. Kari Haikkola Mr. Ilkka Aura Mr. Jussi Kemppainen France Paris Mr. Bernard Stoven Guinea Bissau Mr. Saliu Buissau Ba Hong Kong Hong Kong Mr. K.W. Chan Hungary Budapest Mr. Tomas Somjen India New Delhi Mr. Anil K. Singh Indonesia Jakarta Mr. I Gusti Putu Surywirawan Mr. Benny Pramagdianto Mr. P. Pietono Iran Teheran Dr. M. Nahavardian Mr. M. Aarabi Israel Tel Aviv Mr. Gabi Karny Kenya Nairobi Mr. Stanley Agayi Ogambi Rep. of Korea Seoul Mr. One-Shick Mr. Man-Soo Park Malta San Gwan Mr. Stefan Sultana Mauritania Nouakchott Mr. Mohamed Hanine Morocco Rabat Ms. Zineb Filali Mr. Lhoucine Agouzoui Mozambique Maputo Mr. José Bila Namibia Windhoek Ms. Lisa Figaji Mr. Sam Geiseb Palestinian Ramallah Mr. Hazem Territ. Kawasmi Phillippines Cebu City Mr. Miguel Lucero Portugal Lisbon Ms. A. C. Guimaraes Romania Bukarest Ms. Maria-Gabrie la Purcaru Russia Moscow Mr. Viktor Melnikov Sao Tome S. Tomé Mr. A. Santos Senegal Dakar Ms. Aminata Sall Mr. Abdoulaye Ndiaye Mr. Ibrahim Diage Slovenia Ljubljana Mr. Peter Cerar Mr. Dusan Licer Mr. Metka Cerar Switzerland Geneva Mr. Philippe Doubre Tanzania Dar Es Mr. Adam Salaam Msilaji Trinidad Port of Mr. Garvin Spain Craig Tunesia Tunis Ms. Leila Mokaddem Uruguay Montevideo Ms. Laura Palma United States Columbus, Mr. Michael Oh Lanese Detroit, Ms. Vanessa Mich Danou Los Angeles Mr. Paul Hofmann Venezuela San Mr. Sergio Cristobal Gomez Zambia Lusaka Mr. Johnson Mwenya ZimbabweHarar Mr. Tom eMs. Ma-lord Butterly Makaya UNCTAD REPRESENTATI VES: Ms. Christine Cattell Mr. Benjamin Ferreira Mr. Jean Gurunlian Mr. Bruno Lanvin Mr. Carlos Moreira Ms. Lene Ostergaard Ms. Susanne Teltscher Ms. Sophia Twarog ITC REPRESENTATI VE: Mr. Bernard Ancel UN/ECE REPRESENTATI VE: Mr. Hans Hansell
IV Meeting of the Expert Group on Information and Standards
1 May 1996
Midrand, South Africa
Final Report
The fourth meeting of the EG on Information and Standards in the GTPNet was attended by eight experts and one observer from Trade Points, UN/ECE, ITC, SIMPROFRANCE and UNCTAD.
The main objective of the meeting was to discuss the implementation of the new, EDIFACT-compatible structure of the ETO message in the GTPNet. In addition, the future work programme of the EG was discussed.
The following points were raised:
- The EG recommends TPs to use the new EDIFACT-compatible format for ETOs. The SIMPROFRANCE representative pointed out that minor adjustments needed to be made to the EDI message structure and that he would provide those adjustments upon his return to France.
- The need for a user-friendly, PC-based software for the browsing and searching of ETOs was stressed. This is particularly needed in developing countries' TPs and those with little expertise in database management.
- ITC is currently developing a PC-based application for the searching and browsing of company information based on the COMREG standard. The possibilities to extend this software to accommodate ETO messages was discussed. For the time being, the COMREG standard is not yet a fully EDIFACT-compatible format. Therefore, the EG would have to first finalize its work on developing a EDIFACT-compatible format for company information before the two messages (for ETOs and company information) could be merged in one application.
- In order for TPs to implement full EDI, a translator software will be needed. During the trial phase, this translator will be installed at a central location, such as the UNICC computer; all incoming ETOs using the new structure would then be converted into an EDI message and sent back to the TPs. Only at a later stage, once TPs will develop databases on other types of information using EDI, they will need a translator software in their TPs. For that purpose, the EG will provide TPs with recommendations on translator software available on the market.
- Each TP participating in the trial group will use existing database management programmes to adapt to the new ETO format. At the end of the trial phase, TPs could make recommendations on which software is well suited for database management of ETOs.
- The EG will prepare a project implementation plan for the trial period including the definition of criteria which will be used to evaluate the failure/success of the trial.
- The EG also discussed the need for developing further standards on other types of information, as listed in Chapter 7 of the document entitled "How to provide, structure and exchange information in the GTPN". To this end, all TPs are invited to make suggestions on which information is most frequently used by TPs and should therefore be first considered for developing and/or recommending standards.
- More detailed outcomes and recommendations of the meeting are attached. This sheet was distributed to TPs in Midrand.
List of Participants:
Mr. Bernard Ancel
ITC, Geneva
Mr. Tom Butterly
Trade Point Harare, Zimbabwe
Mr. Hans Hansell
UN/ECE, Geneva
Mr. Michael Lanese
Trade Point USA, Columbus, Ohio
Mr. Carlos Moreira
UNCTAD/TPDC, Melbourne
Mr. Rogerio Santanna
Trade Point Porto Alegre, Brazil
Mr. Bernard Stoven
Ms. Susanne Teltscher
Mr. Gabi Karny
Trade Point Tel Aviv, IsraelIV Meeting of the Expert Group on Information and Standards
1 May 1996
Midrand, South Africa
Preliminary Report
The expert group, conscious of the immediate need for a commom data standard and interchange format of ETO's, recommends the Trade Point directors to accept the format proposed in the document UNCTAD - Trade Information Interchange Standards, dated 3/1/96.
Based on the principles of that document the Group also recommends the acceptance of the adjustments in the EDIFACT message suggested by the SIMPROFRANCE representative present at the meeting.
TPDC, 3 months from now, will centralize, only during the test period (max. 6 months), all the ETO's and will distribute them to all the Trade Points translated into the EDI format. The Trade Points participating in the trial group agreed to send, during the test period, structured e-mail in the format recommended in the document mentioned above.
TPDC will implement a web site, where the Trade Points will be able to access information, FAQs, manuals, papers, and documents about ETO standards. This web site should allow all Trade Points to participate in the discussion and exchange their experiences.
TPDC will contact other carrier providers in order to consider possible alternatives to minimize telecommunication difficulties with Trade Points in Africa.
TPDC will develop a minimal software package to permit a Trade Point to start the operation with the ETO structured e-mail format.
The objective of the test phase, with the trial groups, is to evaluate the standard proposed and suggest adjustments based on the pratical operation. The essential criteria for the evaluation are the funcionality of the message and the facility to import and export ETOs.
II Meeting of the Expert Group on Financial Sustainability and Cooperation
among Trade Points
Midrand, South Africa
2 May 1996
The second meeting of the Expert Group (EG) on Financial Sustainability and Cooperation among Trade Points was attended by twelve representatives from Trade Points and UNCTAD. The main objective of the meeting was to incorporate the comments given by Trade Point directors on the report of the last meeting of the EG and, based on these, convert the report into a document setting guidelines for financial sustainability and cooperation in the Global Trade Point Network.
The following issues were raised:
- The title for the new document should be "guidelines" rather than "rules and regulations" given the nature of the document. However, it was stressed that these guidelines be strictly followed in the GTPNet.
- In order to stress the overall spirit of mutual cooperation prevailing in the GTPNet, it was agreed to add an introductory paragraph on this issue.
- The importance of creating a common appearance of all TPs on the network was pointed out. This would not only strengthen the network but also protect Trade Points from unauthorized third parties abusing the Trade Point name. In this context, it was agreed that all TPs should develop a homepage featuring the TP logo and the name of the TP before other possible logos and names.
- In order to facilitate the finding and searching of other TPs' information bases, a uniform table of contents should be designed by TPs (or country, if there are several TPs in one country) and posted on the UNCTAD/TPDC Web site.
- Regarding the request for information from TPs, a standard form will be designed and made available for the use by TPs. TPUSA has already developed a similar form which could be used as a model when designing the form. It was mentioned that mandatory response should only apply to those requests which are sent to individual TPs (rather than to a mailing list). The reply should indicate an advanced cost estimate of the information/service requested.
- Issues regarding the introduction of a common billing system will be taken up by the EG on the Technical Architecture of the Network. Mr. Doubre informed the group that Swiss Visa would require at least 100,000 cards to be issued.
- With respect to the new definition of TPs considered operational, it was pointed out that the "official request" to be sent to UNCTAD referred to a request from the Government. UNCTAD/SPTE agreed to redo the TP status report and the TP directors and coordinators list according to the new definition.
List of Participants
Ilkka Aura
Trade Point Tampere, Finland
Philippe Doubre
Trade Point Geneva, Switzerland
Christina Guimares
Trade Point Lisboa, Portugal
Kari Haikkola
Trade Point Tampere, Finland
Vahram Hakopian
Trade Point Erevan, Armenia
Michael Lanese
Trade Point USA, Columbus, Ohio
Ma-Lord Makaya
Trade Point Harare, Zimbabwe
Carlos Moreira
UNCTAD/TPDC, Melbourne
Maria Lucila Ortiz
Trade Point Santa Fe, Argentina
Renata Sanchez
Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Brazil
Putu Suryawirawan
Trade Point Jakarta, Indonesia
Susanne Teltscher
Report of the informal afternoon workshops held during the IV World Trade Point Meeting in Midrand, South Africa, 1-2 May 1996
Informal afternoon session of Wednesday, 1 May
During the workshop held on Wednesday afternoon, Trade Point directors presented the latest developments in setting up or operating their Trade Points. In particular, they explained how they had solved the problems encountered and how they had adapted the Trade Point concept to their local environments.
The Moscow Trade Point, for instance, had made great progress since the Tampere meeting. Nine people were now working for the Trade Point, which will provide basic information to other Trade Points in the country. The main obstacle remained the lack of awareness about the existence of the project within Russia. To solve this problem, the Trade Point was planning to launch a wide-scale advertising campaign.
In general, African Trade Points agreed that the main problem in their countries remained the poor access to electronic networking. The situation, however, was improving rapidly and a growing number of Trade Points had recently been connected to the network. Trade Point Dakar, for example, was the latest to acquire an Internet address and was already planning to connect the fourteen members of its Trade Point Association within a local area network.
Informal afternoon session of Thursday, 2 May
The first part of the afternoon was devoted to Trade Point demonstrations at the Cybercafé, in the main lobby of the conference hall. The following Trade Points presented their products: Florianópolis, Brazil; Santiago, Chile; Shanghai, China; Tampere, Finland; Jakarta, Indonesia; Tel Aviv, Israel; Columbus, USA; Montevideo, Uruguay and Harare, Zimbabwe.
The topic for the workshop discussion focused on ETO marketing. It was felt that this topic should be dealt with in greater depth by the Expert Groups and that more information was required on the solutions adopted by the more advanced Trade Points.
Of particular interest was the approach taken by Yerevan, Armenia. Every evening, the Trade Point advertises ETOs on the local television network free of charge for 15 minutes. If business is made with the ETO, the television network receives 50 per cent of the commission.
The New Delhi (India) Trade Point had recently started to publish a weekly magazine which carries approximately 400 ETOs per copy. ETOs are also sent out by phone/fax or e-mail to subscribers according to the products they are interested in. The New Delhi Trade Point offered to send Trade Points free copies of its ETO software to download ETOs to hard copy form.
The Harare Trade Point is now actively engaged in creating homepages for its customers. The Trade Point considers that initially, its most important objective is to attract as many customers as possible. Therefore, the creation and posting of a homepage for six months on the Internet costs only US$ 200.
The importance of following up on ETOs was emphasized. To date, very little information has been received on the ETO success rate. It was therefore suggested that Trade Points inform UNCTAD/TPDC regularly on the number of ETOs used by their customers. So far, no ideal methodology was in place but until such time as a formal follow up system was developed, informal means should be applied.
The Cochabamba (Bolivia) Trade Point, for instance, systematically rings its customers two days after sending out an ETO. It calls again a fortnight later to ask whether it should be sent out a second time. If no feedback is received, it inquires again sixty days later.
The Harare Trade Point was also attempting to apply an informal tracking system. To assess the full value of ETOs, the Trade Point had hired the services of a consultancy firm to carry out a statistical survey.
It was recommended that ETOs be translated into French, Spanish and any other language required within the network. To facilitate the job, it was suggested that Trade Points from different language zones take it in turn to do the translation.
Other Business
Trade Point directors and co-ordinators from Kenya, Tanzania, Zambia and Zimbabwe, held an informal meeting to discuss the creation of a regional English-speaking African group. The group will focus on ways of increasing regional cooperation, including the more advanced Trade Points providing assistance to those in the process of being set up. It would also explore ways of developing and marketing Trade Point products and services. The first group meeting, to be hosted by Trade Point Harare, was tentatively set for end July 1996.
APRIL 1996
1. ETO S
We should adopt the ETO standards recommended by UNCTAD, using at the beginning a mixed option, in which the first message will go in free form followed by the message in standard form. It needs to be clear that the message should go only in standard form, but not only in free form.
These standards should begin to be utilized immediately and should try to involve the TPDC in the utilization and implementation of said standards.
It should be suggested to the United Nations that a WEB page be constructed in which all of the information concerning the development and evolution of the ETO s be included. We are referring to user manuals, frequently asked questions, and in general all documents referring to the topic.
The establishment of a process should be considered through which we would be permitted to follow the form in which the development of the ETO s is going to evolve and the form in which they are going to function.
If an ETO message is going to be sent to the TPDC, we should use the standard so that the TPDC can begin to accept the use of the standard.
The use of a Newsgroup will be established on the part of the Telecommunications Trial Group of the American Trade Points, where the standards and mode of implementation can be evaluated. This permanent group will stay in constant contact with the group of experts about the theme of UNCTAD. At the present time, the Trial Group is made up by the United States, Florianapolis and Montevideo. Porto Alegre and Cali have expressed their interest in joining said group.
There should exist in the American Trade Points Trial Group a concensus concerning the changes that are proposed to UNCTAD in relation to the ETO s.
If some American Trade Point that does not pertain to the Trial Group thinks that the achievement of some change is necessary, this Trade Point should contact one of the members of the Trial Group in such a way that their opinion can be channeled through this means.
It should be proposed to UNCTAD that a software standard be adopted that is based on personal computers and that should be available for use by the Trade Points, who will have control over the distribution of said software in their own countries.
UNCTAD should also facilitate access to the software of those Trade Points that cannot obtain it directly or that cannot develop it with the use of its own resources.