Embassy of the Republic of Afghanistan 26 East Road P O Box 1227 Harare Tel: 263 4 720083 Embassy of the Democratic People's Republic of Algeria 8 Pascoe Avenue Belgravia P O Box 2929 Harare Tel: 263 4 726682 263 4 726689 Tlx: 24795 Embassy of the People's Republic of Angola Doncaster House 26 Jason Moyo Avenue/Angwa Street P O Box 3950 Harare Tel: 263 4 790070/790660 Tlx: 24195 ERPAZ ZW Embassy of the Republic of Argentina 10th Floor Club Chambers Baker Avenue/3rd Street P O Box 2770 Harare Tel: 263 4 730076 Fax: 263 4 730075 Tlx: 2284 ARGENT ZW High Commission of Australia 4th Floor Karigamombe Centre 53 Samora Machel Avenue P O Box 4541 Harare Tel: 263 4 794591/2/3/4 Fax: 263 4 704615 Tlx: 24159 ZW Embassy of Austria 30 Samora Machel Avenue Room 216 New Shell House P O Box 4120 Harare Tel: 263 4 752414/751685/750283 Fax: 263 4 751438 Tlx: 22546 EMBAUS ZW High Commission of the People's Republic of Bangalesh 8 Birchenough Road Old Alexandra Park Harare Tel: 263 4 727004 Fax: 263 4 702720 Embassy of the Kingdom of Belgium 5th Floor Tanganyika House 23 Third Street P O Box 2522 Harare Tel: 263 4 793306/7/794891/2 Fax: 263 4 703960 Tlx: 24788 ZW AMBEL Z Embassy of the Republic of Botswana 10 Bedford Road Avondale Harare Tel: 263 4 303512/3 Fax: 263 4 303534 Tlx: 2663 BOTZIM ZW Embassy of the Federative Republic of Brazil Old Mutual Centre Cnr. Third Street/Jason Moyo Avenue P O Box 2530 Harare Tel: 263 4 730775/737782/732727 Fax: 263 4 737782 Tlx: 22205 BRASEM ZW Embassy of the People's Republic of Bulgaria 15 Maasdorp Avenue Alexandra Park P O Box 1809 Harare Tel: 263 4 730509/732504 High Commission of Canada 45 Baines Avenue P O Box 1430 Harare Tel: 263 4 733881/5 Fax: 263 4 732917 Tlx: 24465 ZW Embassy of the People's Republic of China Oakwood Building 30 Baines Avenue P O Box 4749 Harare Tel: 263 4 724572/724511 Fax: 263 4 794959 Tlx: 22569 CHINEB ZW Embassy of the Republic of Cuba 5 Phillips Avenue Belgravia P O Box 4139 Harare Tel: 263 4 720256/7/721473 Fax: 263 4 707998 Tlx: 24783 Embassy of the Czech Republic 11 Walmer Drive Highlands P O Box 4474 Harare Tel: 263 4 700636 Fax: 263 4 737270 Tlx: 22413 CZMINI ZW Royal Danish Embassy 1st Floor UDC Centre 59 Union Avenue P O Box 4711 Harare Tel: 263 4 790398/9/732541/2/3 Fax: 263 4 732544 Tlx: 24677 ZW Embassy of the Arab Republic of Egypt 7 Aberdeen Road P O Box A 433 Avondale Harare Tel: 303445/303497 Tlx: 23653 Embassy of the Transitional Government of Ethiopia 14 Lanark Road Belgravia P O Box 2745 Harare Tel: 263 4 725822/3 Fax: 263 4 720259 Tlx: 22743 ETHEMB ZW Embassy of Finland 3rd Floor Karigamombe Centre 53 Samora Machel Avenue Harare Tel: 263 4 707344/700943/704499/750498 Embassy of the Republic of France Ranelage Road Off Orange Grove Drive Highlands P O Box 1378 Harare Tel: 263 4 46001/48096 Tlx: 24779 AMBA FRANCE ZW Embassy of Germany 14 Samora Machel Avenue P O Box 2168 Harare Tel: 263 4 731955/6/7/8 Fax: 263 4 790680 Tlx: 24609 AAHARA ZW High Commission of the Republic of Ghana 11 Downie Avenue Belgravia P O Box 4445 Harare Tel: 263 4 738652/738653 Fax: 263 4 738654 Tlx: 24631 GH ZW Embassy of Greece 8 Deary Avenue Belgravia P O Box 4809 Harare Tel: 263 4 793208/723747 Tlx: 24790 ZW Embassy of the Holy See 5 St. Kilda Road Mount Pleasant P O Box MP 191 Harare Tel: 263 4 37381 Fax: 263 4 33131 Embassy of the Republic of Hungary 20 Lanark Road Belgravia P O Box 3594 Harare Tel: 263 4 733528 Fax: 263 4 730512 Tlx: 24237 DIPLOM ZW High Commission of India 12 Natal Road P O Box 4620 Belgravia Harare Tel: 263 4 795955/795956 Fax: 263 4 722324 Tlx: 24630 HICOM ZW Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia 3 Duthie Avenue Belgravia P O Box 8296 Causeway Tel: 263 4 732561 Fax: 263 4 737479 Tlx: 22015 INDOHR ZW Embassy of the Islamic Repulbic of Iran 8 Allan Wilson Avenue Belgravia P O Box A 293 Avondale Harare Tel: 263 4 727348 Fax: 263 4 723072 Tlx: 24793 IRNEM ZW Embassy of the Republic of Iraq 21 Lawson Avenue Milton Park P O Box 3453 Harare Tel: 263 4 725727/792493 Tlx: 4595 IRAQ ZW Embassy of Italy 7 Bartholomew Close Greendale P O Box 1062 Harare Tel: 263 4 48190/47200/47373/47279 Fax: 263 4 48199 Tlx: 24380 ITADPL ZW Embassy of Japan 18th Floor Karigamombe Centre 53 Samora Machel Avenue P O Box 2710 Harare Tel: 263 4 727618/727500/790108/9 Fax: 263 4 727769 Tlx: 24566 ZW High Commission of the Republic of Kenya 95 Park Lane P O Box 4069 Harare Tel: 263 4 790847/8/9/792901/2 Fax: 263 4 723042 Tlx: 24266 KENYA ZW Embassy of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea 102 Josiah Chinamano Avenue Greenwood Harare P O Box 4754 Harare Tel: 263 4 724067 Embassy of the State of Kuwait 1 Bath Road Belgravia P O Box A 485 Avondale Harare Tel: 263 4 733351 Fax: 263 4 720380/734992 People's Bureau of the Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya Libyan People's Bureau 124 Harare Street P O Box 4310 Harare Tel: 263 4 793775/790068/728381/2/3 Fax: 263 4 793779 Tlx: 24585 High Commission of the Republic of Malawi 42-44 Harare Street P O Box 321 Harare Tel: 263 4 752137/9 Fax: 263 4 752134 Tlx: 24467 NYANJA ZW High Commission of Malaysia 12 Lawson Avenue Milton Park Harare Tel: 263 4 796209/725207 Fax: 263 4 796200 Embassy of Mexico 26 Connaught Road Avondale P O Box 3812 Harare Tel: 263 4 36151/35724 Fax: 263 4 30115 Tlx: 26124 Embassy of the People's Republic of Mozambique 152 Herbert Chitepo Avenue P O Box 4608 Harare Tel: 263 4 790837/9 Fax: 263 4 732898 Tlx: 42266 EPROM ZW High Commission of the Republic of Namibia 4th Floor Lintas House North Wing 46 Union Avenue Harare Tel: 263 4 722113 Fax: 263 4 722114 Royal Netherlands Embassy 47 Enterprise Road P O Box HG 601 Highlands Harare Tel: 263 4 731428/734528/732551/2 Fax: 263 4 790520 Tlx: 24357 New Zealand High Commission 6th Floor Batanai Gardens 57 Jason Moyo Avenue P O Box 5448 Harare Tel: 263 4 728681/6 Fax: 263 4 790693 Tlx: 22747 KUAKA ZW High Commission of the Federal Republic of Nigeria 36 Samora Machel Avenue P O Box 4742 Harare Tel: 263 4 790765/8 Fax: 263 4 725004 Tlx: 24473 NIGH ZW Royal Norwegian Embassy 5 Lanark Road Cnr Second Street P O Box 4276 Harare Tel: 263 4 792419/729841/2/730916/7 Fax: 263 4 792830/729844 Tlx: 24550 NORAMB ZW High Commission of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan 11 Van Praagh Avenue Milton Park P O Box 3050 Harare Tel: 263 4 794264/720293 Fax: 263 4 722446 Embassy of the State of Palestine 1 Fairbridge Avenue Belgravia Harare Tel: 263 4 725901/2 Fax: 263 4 725970 Embassy of the Republic of Poland 16 Cork Road Belgravia P O Box 3932 Harare Tel: 263 4 732159 Fax: 263 4 732159 Tlx: 22745 POLHAN ZW Embassy of Portugal 10 Samora Machel Avenue P O Box 406 Harare Tel: 263 4 706220/723402/725107/722291 Fax: 263 4 722291 Tlx: 24714 EMPORT ZW Embassy of Romania 105 Fourth Street P O Box 4797 Harare Tel: 263 4 700853 Fax: 263 4 725493 Tlx: 24797 Embassy of the Russian Federation 70 Fife Avenue P O Box 4250 Harare Tel: 263 4 720358/9 Fax: 263 4 700534 Embassy of the Republic of Senegal 17 Beveridge Road Avondale P O Box 6904 Harare Tel: 263 4 303147/304980 Fax: 263 4 35087 Tlx: 26314 ZW Embassy of Slovakia 32 Aberdeen Road Avondale P O Box HG 72 Highlands Harare Tel: 263 4 302636 Fax: 263 4 302236 Tlx: 22460 ZUSLOV ZW Embassy of Spain 16 Phillips Avenue Belgravia P O Box 3300 Harare Tel: 263 4 738681/2/3 Fax: 263 4 795440 Tlx: 24173 Embassy of the Republic of the Sudan 4 Pascoe Avenue Belgravia Harare Tel: 263 4 732586/7 Embassy of Sweden 7th Floor Pegasus House 52 Samora Machel Avenue P O Box 4110 Harare Tel: 263 4 790651/4/705370/702001/2 Fax: 263 4 702003 Tlx: 24695 SVENSK ZW Embassy of Switzerland 9 Lanark Road Belgravia P O Box 3440 Harare Tel: 263 4 703997/8/721384 Fax: 263 4 794925 Tlx: 24669 AMSWIS ZW High Commission of the United Republic of Tanzania Ujamaa House 23 Baines Avenue P O Box 4841 Harare Tel: 263 4 721870/724173/724534 Fax: 263 4 724172 Tlx: 24557 TANREP ZW Embassy of the Republic of Tunisia No. 5 Ashton Road Alexandra Park P O Box 4308 Harare Tel: 263 4 791570 Fax: 263 4 701392 Tlx: 24801 ZW High Commission of Britain 7th Floor, Conner House Cnr Leopold Takawira and Samora Machel P O Box 4490 Harare Tel: 263 4 793781/9 Fax: 263 4 728380 Tlx: 24607 Embassy of the United States of America Arax House 172 Herbert Chitepo Avenue P O Box 3340 Harare Tel: 263 4 794521 Fax: 263 4 796488 Tlx: 24591 Embassy of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia 1 Lanark Road Belgravia P O Box 3420 Harare Tel: 263 4 738668/9 Tlx: 24796 Embassy of the Republic of Zaire 24 Van Praagh Avenue Milton Park P O Box 2446 Harare Tel: 263 4 724494/730705 Tlx: 22265 High Commission of the Republic of Zambia Zambia House 48 Union Avenue P O Box 4698 Harare Tel: 263 4 790851/5 Fax: 263 4 790856 Tlx: 4698 ZW Commission of the European Union Delegation of the Commission of the European Union in Zimbabwe 6th Floor Construction House 110 Leopold Takawira Street P O Box 4252 Harare Tel: 263 4 707120/707139/707140/707143 Fax: 263 4 725360 Tlx: 24811 DELEUR ZW Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations (FAO) Office of the Food and Agriculture Organization Representative 9th Floor Robinson House 51 Union Avenue P O Box 3730 Harare Tel: 263 4 706032/723545/793503/793532/729561/729562 Fax: 263 4 729563 Tlx: 26040 FAO ZW International Finance Corporation (IFC) 11th Floor CABS Centre Jason Moyo Avenue P O Box 2960 Harare Tel: 263 4 794860 Fax: 263 4 708659 Tlx: 22704 ZW Programme for Development Coopoeration (PRODEC) 42 Collins Avenue Chisipite P O Box HG 916 Highlands Tel: 263 4 885122 Fax: 263 4 885122 Tlx: 263 4 124500 United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Office of the Resident Representative of the United Nations Development Programme Ninth Floor Takura House 67-69 Union Avenue P O Box 4775 Harare Tel: 263 4 792681/9 Fax: 263 4 728695 Tlx: 24668 ZW World Bank 11th Floor CABS Centre Jason Moyo Avenue P O Box 2960 Harare Tel: 263 4 719611/2/3 Fax: 263 4 708659 Tlx: 22704 ZW