COCHRANE ENGINEERING Heavy fabrication facilities producing;
Steam boilers up to 20t/hr, Pressure vessels, Autoclave and
General Heavy fabrication.
In house QA, CAD/CAM.
Contact: Mr C E Haden or CS Taylor, at our Harare Offices.
COCHRANE STORK ZIMBABWE Extensive range of Stork, Curo, Goulds Pumps and sets covering Irrigation, Food processing, Chemical, Water supply and Mining applications.
Contact: Mr R P Craven on Phone: 662727/29 665545 Fax: 664709 Telex: 22358 ZW
COCHRANE IRRIGATION Irrigation, Water supply Systems, Lockwood Centre Pivot
Contact: T P Craven at our Harare Offices
SUTTON'S STAINLESS STEEL High quality stainless steel vessels, fermentation tanks, repair work on road tankers.
Contact: Mr C S Taylor or T Lang at our Harare Offices.
CHEMATRON ZIMBABWE Complete water treatment systems and chemical supply, specialising in Boiler water treatment, cooling water for all industrial applications.
Contact: Mr J R Groves or K Chipise at our Harare Offices, D. Katsande (Bulawayo) and M Magaso (Mutare (120-60077)
COCHRANE EB ENERGY Licenced Manufacturer of ABB Energi as High voltage Electrode Steam Boilers to 70t/hr, Hot Water Boilers and Small Hydro electric plants, for the Sub Saharan Africa Region
Contact Mr S D Cochrane at our Harare Offices
or Mr W T
Cochrane at our Johannesburg Office
REGISTERED OFFICES: REGIONAL OFFICES Cochrane Holdings Limited BULAWAYO Douglas Works/Tilbury Cochrane Engineering Willowvale (Pvt) Ltd P.O. Box 650, Harare 11 Welbeck Rd. Thorngrove Zimbabwe P.O. Box 8128, Belmont Bulawayo, Zimbabwe Tel: 663700-8/663124/663397 Tel: 68154 Fax: (263-4) 661312 Fax: 65016 Telex: 22020 CHL ZW JOHANNESBURG EB Cochrane SA (Pty) Ltd 13th Floor, Bedford Centre Smith Street, Bedford Gardens P.O. Box 985, Bedfordview 2008 Johannesburg Republic of South AfricaFor more information, please mail us at