Protection of the environment is one of the most
pressing issues of today, with crucial importance
for tomorrow. As a major industrial producer,
TPI is especially sensitive to this issue and aware
of the company's responsibility to society. The
group has an on-going policy of safeguarding
against pollution and has laid down guidelines for
protection of the environment.
In the production of plastic resins, for example, TPI has installed an automatic control system to guard against any possible escapc of ethylene gas. This is a device that both detccts leaks and contains them, eliminating any gas released. TPI has also instituted measures to recycle waste in the form of wax and turn such waste into fuel to propel steam units in the plant. A waste water treatment plant further ensures that water leaving the plant conforms with the strictest environmental standards. As for the end product, all plastics manufactured hy TPI can he recycled.