Virtual visit to the Maldives - Visit Maldives 1997 -

From this form you can connect on-line with any of the of the Maldives resorts listed on this WWW. Your reservation will be communicated to the resort via electronic mail and you will receive a confirmation also via electronic mail. Confirmations can be also communicated via fax. This service include full multimedia presentations of the selected resort with pictures and videos of the facilities available.

Registration to Virtual Visit to the Maldives

After registration to Virtual visit Maldives , you will be authorized to receive navigate among the resorts via the WWW and receive extend information via electronic mail with the possibility to download pictures and videos of the Maldives.

Please register this form
Name of the company or individual: Contact Person Mailing Address Telephone Number Your Visit is for: Fax number Business Tourism Electronic Mail

Product Information

Please tick the resort(s) and island(s) which you would like to access
      1. Receive Information via post-mail and/or fax
      2. Receive information via Electronic Mail
      3. Virtual visit vis ETO-Tourism on the World Wide Web
Resorys presently covered by the ETO-Tourism Virtual Visit to the Maldives
Special Ad        Section 1        Section 2         Section 3  
Individual          Garments &          Electronics &       Machinery &
Advertisement       Textiles            Electrical Parts    Equipment

Section 4         Section 5        Section 6         Section 7  
Metal Products,     Jewelry & Fashion   Handicrafts,        Bags & Rubber
Grinders &          Accessories         Toys & Dols         Products
Hand Tools

Section 8         Section 9        Section 10        Section 11 
Leisure &           Household           Furniture, Musical  Fishing Nets,
Sporting Goods      Goods &             Instruments &       Ropes, Plastic &
                    Kitchenware         Timepieces          PVC Products

Section 12        Section 13       Section 14        Section 15 
Foodstuffs &        Building Materials  Cosmetics &         Footwear &
Ginseng Products    & Agricultural      Cosmetics Brushes   Personal
                    Equipment                               Accessories          

Section 16        Section 17        
Stationary,         Chemical,               
Printing,           Pharmaceuticals,      
Packing & Office    Medical Supplies
Equipment           & Optical Goods

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