You can subscribe to I-TRADE(SM) trade information and facilitation services by following the registration procedures detailed below. Before completing the registration process, please review the User Agreement.
We presently assume that most I-TRADE(SM) users do not yet have secure browsers. Instead we ask that you fax your payment instructions to us after completing the registration form. Your payment instructions will not be transmitted over the Internet nor be accessible from the Internet. Please follow these four steps to complete the registration procedure.
Step 1 - Select On-Line Registration Form. Follow the instructions on the screen and enter the requested information in the form.
Step 2 - An authorization form will appear on the screen after the registration form is submitted. Print this form using your Web browser using the instructions on the page. Your User ID and temporary password will be included on the printout of the authorization form.
Step 3 - Type or write your credit card number and expiration date on the printout of the authorization form. Fax the form to Trade Point Israel at 972-3-
Step 4 - After processing your authorization form and registration, Trade Point Israel will activate your account within 48 hours. After you enter the Main Menu you can select anything.
For further information you can contact a customer service representative by phone at 972-3- or via e-mail at
Thank you for your interest in Trade Point Israel on-line services. We look forward to assisting you in expanding your firm's international trade activities.
The pricing structure of Trade Point Israel`s on-line services is outlined below:
1. Base Subscription - The base subscription to I-TRADE(SM) is $75 per month, with a three month minimum subscription period. Subscripbers who sign up for I-TRADE after the 15th of the month will be charged 1/2 of the subscription price, or $37.50, for their first month of service. The base subscription provides unlimited access to most of the information resources and services described previously, including:
Trade Point Israel does not charge connect time fees, so subscribers can use these basic services as often as they wish without incurring additional costs. Internet access providers usually allow 6-40 hours of access in their base charge (many are free at nights and on weekends).
2. Extended Services - In order to minimize the cost of the base subscription, certain services are offered on a pay-per-use basis. The following I-TRADE(SM) resources are subject to an additional charge:
I-TRADE(SM) Opportunities - The pricing for searches of trade leads and government procurement opportunities is structured as follows:
Trade Point Israel bills accounts monthly through the user's credit card account. The base subscription and extended service charges can be billed to a personal or business credit card; VISA and MasterCard are accepted. Trade Point Israel will maintain the subscriber's credit card number on file and send all charges directly to the credit card company. The total charges are listed on the monthly statement provided by the credit card company. Please note that Trade Point Israel neither transmits credit card information over the Internet nor makes billing system information accessible through the Internet.
Details of past charges can be obtained through the Help Desk. On-line access to billing detail is not available during the initial release of the I-TRADE(SM) service, but will be implemented at a later date.
If you wish to cancel the I-TRADE(SM) service, notice of intent to cancel is required by the 20th of the month in order for service to be disconnected at the end of the month. Notice of intent to cancel must be received by Trade Point Israel by e-mail at or via fax at 972-3-. Failure to notify Trade Point Israel of your intent to cancel services on or before the 20th of the month automatically results in a subscription charge for the following month.