Sama Suomeksi

Valkeakoski is embedded in the middle of the regions´s beutiful lake area, in the point where the waters of the Lake Mallasvesi in the north flow down into the Lake Vanajavesi in the south.

There are over 21.000 inhabitants in this dynamic town known for its long industrial tradition. Thanks to its favourable geographical location by the rapids, Valkeakoski has over the years grown from an ancient milling village into a significant, center of paper and pulp industry.

Valkeakoski lies centrally only half an hours ride from Tampere, capital of the Region and Hämeenlinna, capital of the province. The atmosphere in Valkeakoski is characterized a variety of cultural activities. Valkeakoski is known for its strong soccer team in the national league.


Emil Wikström Museum
At the turn of the 19th century, Emil Wikström, a Finnish sculptor, built his atelier home in Visavuori, on the shore of the Lake Vanajavesi. The buildings are characterized by the national romantic style of the time. Over 100 items of sculpture and furniture.

Voipaala Art Center
Voipaala is a manor house of medieval origin. Over the centuries, it has housed many significant characters and acted as a scene of meaningful incidents. Today, the main building and the surrounding fabulous park area provide a magnificient setting for art exhibitions. Also summer theatre happening and the Atelier Museum of the sculptor Elias Ilkka.

Myllysaari Industrial and Community Museum
Covers industrial and social development over 7000 years.

Kauppilanmäki Museum
Residential houses of paper mill workers in 1870-1920.

Other places to explore

For further information

Valkeakoski Turist Office
Kauppatori 9
FIN-37600 Valkeakoski
Tel. +358 37 58 469 97, 58 469 66

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