Business sectors

Services employ 54.7% of the labour force in Toijala. Industrial processing employs 40.3%, while 3% are employed in primary production and 2% in other sectors.

More than half of the total turnover is covered by export. Goods are exported from Toijala to over thirty countries in the world. Some 50% of the export turnover comes from export to European Union. Far East and Russia are also another important areas.

Sector and Number of Companies

* Retail 68
* Construction 46
* Real Estate 46
* Metal Engineering 38
* Personal Services 30
* Transport 29
* Business Services 27
* Wholesale 22
* Accomodation and Catering 16
* Forest Industry 12
* Finance and Insurance 8
* Agriculture 7
* Textile Industry 5
* Food Industry 3

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