Sama Suomeksi

Kuhmalahti is a dynamic small town on the eastern border of Tampere Region, only half an hours ride away from Tampere. The number of inhabitants in Kuhmalahti has been steadily rising through this decade, and lies today around 1700. During summer time the number becomes double, as the holiday-makers return to their summer cottages for their annual holidays. Kuhmalahti offers high standard basic municipal and private services. Kuhmalahti has strong tradition in agriculture. In recent years several new small-size companies have started their activity in Kuhmalahti; the town has industrial sites available for new enterprisers.

Sightseeing in Kuhmalahti


In Kuhmalahti you can still run into peaceful, idyllic village sceneries with ancient farm house surroundings and boathouses. The flourishing fields along the lake shores are like illustrations of Finnish folk songs. In Vehkajärvi village, fantastic views open from the Kaitasaari island and the old churchyard situated on top of a ridge.

Buildings and Museums

Museum of Local History and Culture and Articrafts Center in the center of Kuhmalahti. Also in town center, stand the church built in 1846 and the bell tower from the year 1782; inside of the church the altarpiece in from the year 1795. Wooden church built in 1841 in Vehkajärvi village. The old parsonage is today the home of a local ceramic artist, and offers during summer time a marvellous setting for exhibitions and courses.

Contact Information

Kuhmalahti municipality, Rautajärventie 36, FIN-36840 Pohja
Tel. +358-36-70 181, fax. +358-36-70 247

Note: New numbers valid from 10th February 1996:
Tel. +358-36-537 0181, fax. +358-36-537 0247

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