Investment focusing on investment aspects
Information providing company-, country- and industry-specific investment information
Promotion facilitating a wide range of investment promotion activities, such as match-making, investment fora and missions, and training
Service linking up enterprises, business organizations, national investment boards, chambers of commerce and industry and other investment-related institutions
RIIPS was initiated by the ESCAP members and associate members and was endorsed through the various resolutions at the annual meetings of the Commission. The establishment of a regional investment information and promotion service was included in the Acti
on Programme for Regional Economic Cooperation in Trade and Investment in 1993.
From its onset, RIIPS was designed so as to cooperate closely with other organizations and emerging initiatives in the same field.
Apart from the ETO-RIIPS cooperation, the other main cooperating partner is the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Western Australia (CCIWA). CCIWA, within the framework of the Confederation of Asian and Pacific Chambers of Commerce and Industry (CACCI),
has initiated Trade Match.
Trade Match contains company data on CD-ROM of 18 CACCI members (Australia, Bangladesh, Brunei Darussalam, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, New Zealand, Pakistan, Papua New Guinea, the Philippines, Republic of Korea, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Tai
wan Province of China, Thailand and Viet Nam) which is to be regularly updated by the respective chambers of commerce and industry.
Under an arrangement with CCIWA, company-, country- and industry-specific investment information of both, CACCI and non-CACCI members will be included into the Trade Match CD-ROM.
Investment match-making services
Investment promotion services
In order to enhance the effectiveness of RIIPS, a network of national focal points will be developed. Any of the national institutions in the members and associate members of ESCAP, such as boards of investment, chambers of commerce and industry,
manufacturers associations and other business organizations, can become focal points.
For RIIPS to function properly, the full committment of the national focal points is essential. National focal points will be responsible for networking within their own country as well as among RIIPS participating countries, and will undertake, among oth ers, the following tasks:
The ETO-RIIPS system provides the following features to subscribers:
If an appropriate match is found within the network, the on-line subsriber will receive an immediate response to his requests.
For further information on ETO-RIIPS please contact:
RIIPS please contact:
Rajdamnern Avenue
Bangkok 10200, Thailand
Tel: (662) 288 -1234,1449 and 1410
Fax: (662) 288 - 1026 and 1027