Today, there are nearly 60 Trade Points around the world, and UNCTAD foresees a continued rapid expansion of its program in the years to come. The Trade Points represent a giant step on the opening of global markets to the enterprises of developing countries. Trade Points particularly spur the participation of small - and - medium - sized companies in international commerce throughout the world.
Trade Points help identify international trading opportunities and provide assistance in establishing relationships which make the trading process faster, cheaper and simpler, through the distribution of the world’s most powerful business tool - information.
Some of the services the Trade Points offer, utilizing existing computer and telecommunications technologies, include: creating trade-related opportunities to identify freight forwarders, insurance companies, financial services, etc. These services help business find trading partners and efficiently conduct trade without the cumbersome research and paperwork that is currently required.
The Trade Point Network pioneers trade technology in the global marketplace and promotes the creation of a truly level playing field by allowing companies, which traditionally would not have the financial and human resources to engage in international trade, to do so - inexpensively and efficiently. Through assistance to developing countries, economies in transition, and small-and -medium-sized companies worldwide, Trade Points will make the trading process faster, cheaper and more efficient.
At the beginning of 1994 TRADE POINT SANTA FE started working precariously exchanging information with other Latinoamerican Trade Points. It developed as one more service within the Provincial Undersecretary's Office of Foreign Trade, making the advantages of the programme known to the active international management of this organization. Advertising campaigns were constant and the participants in international trade transactions, as well as outstanding representatives of the private sector, were periodically summoned to strengthen the most profitable conditions towards a definite installation. The operations of TRADE POINT SANTA FE were considered to ve very good and it worked as a regular one, but it was not allowed to fix a tariff to the services offered, since it still remained in the public sphere.
On 28th February 1995, an agreement was signed by the provincial Undersecretary's Office of Foreign Trade, the Municipality of the City of Santa Fe and the Administrating Body of the local Port - from the private sector, thus shaping the plans into the immediate installation of TRADE POINT. It was inaugured on 14th June with a $100,000.- investment on infrastructure. Eight private organizations representing the most important regional business sector joined TRADE POINT as foundation partners, with a fixed monthly monetary contribution independent of the services offered. The local Universities also joined the programme as scientific and academic support. The Customs, Customs Agents, International Transport Companies, Insurance Companies and Banks also participed supporting the initiative and working together in particular cases.